8th Grade Football Game | Teen Ink

8th Grade Football Game

September 30, 2014
By Anonymous

On Tuesday September 9, us 8th grade boys had a football game at New Prairie. It was for our school. It was a hot day and a good day to play football.

 We got there and we sat on the bleachers. We had to watch the 7th grade play before us. When there game was over we stretched and started the game. We had to return the ball first. when they kicked it Kain got it ran and got tackled.

It was a long game we finally got to the end of the game and we won. The score was 28 and 8. We ran all over them.

We were happy it was our first game of the season. On the bus ride home that is all we talked about”We beat there butt”. We were so happy.

The author's comments:

its so good.

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