News Article | Teen Ink

News Article

September 30, 2014
By Anonymous

BREAKING NEWS Green Bay Packers got a big score when they found out they needed a new defensive end and got Julius Peppers after the NFL draft in Wisconsin.

In what might have been a farewell performance of the ever-popular training camp half-line drill, Julius Peppers punctuated the moment with one of the most resonant thumps of the summer. For good measure, he did it again. Julius Peppers has always dealt with the hype and expectations of being a rare athlete for a man of his size to Carolina Panthers, Chicago Bears and now the Green Bay Packers. Somebody was told by one of the personnel guys that used to be with Peppers that he is just a freak of nature. His body type may be like he's five years younger.

Seeing Julius Peppers go to Green Bay was a big surprise because of the Packers and Bears rivalry. Will Julius Peppers surprise Green Bay or disappoint them?

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