Basketball | Teen Ink


November 3, 2014
By Anonymous

There are many things to learn about basketball like a post move to a layup. You can do a lot of cool tricks like an alley oop or a windmill dunk which are both really nice. It depends on how high you can jump to do certain dunks. You should have some decent dribbling skills. Your basketball skills also depend what kind of player you are. Are you a passer, scorer, are you athletic, do you gave good dunking ability What’s your best range are you good from mid-range up close or from deep. Is your playing style all-round? What’s your favorite position to play point guard, shooting guard, power forward, small forward, and center? Back when peach baskets were used as a hoop the referee had to climb a ladder and retrieve the ball and the first ever backboard was made out of wire. The basketball hall of fame was created in 1959 in Springfield Massachusetts where basketball was created. The first time I played in a real basketball game was my 8th grade year. I never really played that many sports. My friends told me I should play because I was tall so I decided I would. We had practice every other night it was hard work. Finally it was teams first game the starters were mostly 8th graders accept for a couple. It was an away game we both wanted to win. The other team wasn’t too good. I was a starter in the game we stepped foot on the court running are lap around. I was so nervous that I was going to mess up or do something wrong. After I made my first few shots I felt fine. I got taken out of the game. The sweat was running down my face it was so hot in that building. I didn’t think it would ever cool off. Coach asked me if I was rested and ready to go back in. I got subbed in we were winning only by a few it was the last quarter. I got fouled and missed both my free throws. My confidence level got knocked down a little and then we won the game any ways. That was my experience from basketball. Basketball is a fun sport some people might not like it but I do. 

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