Got Game | Teen Ink

Got Game

November 4, 2014
By bmoc20 BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
bmoc20 BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Heading form Elementary School to High School can be a big step. Most people find it difficult to make the switch, especially when it comes to sports. Most fall sports are usually soccer or gulf where I come from. I’ve only played soccer one year before high school. Most of the kids from my school loved to play soccer, I loved my first year of soccer in the 8th grade. Starting off as a noob and then ending the season as the star player was pretty amazing to me, my coach, and my team. What I didn’t Know was that my high school soccer coach was watching, which got me starting at center midfield for varsity Soccer. Our first few games I always felt like our team was unstoppable. Even when we tied against some of the toughest teams. Let me tell ya it’s a lot harder to make goals in high school. In Elementary school I made 21 goals, this year I made 4. We always did the best we could, even when we kept losing some of our best players form injuries. The bus ride where always fun too, pulling pranks on people and making cheap jokes for entertainment. Just something to laugh about to pass the time, especially the 5 hour long rides.

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