Soccer | Teen Ink


November 4, 2014
By isaiahf14 BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
isaiahf14 BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are many things I like about soccer it’s a fun sport. You get to run up and down the field trying to score on one another. It’s fun to play on offense but I rather play on defense. I haven’t scored a goal before in a soccer game, I have got a few shots on goal but I never kicked them hard enough. Some of the best players on the team play defense, even though they probably could score quite a few goals. Soccer’s a fun sport but it’s not my favorite, it takes a lot of hard work and practice to be good at it. Practice is ok, you do a lot of running so you don’t get tiered in a game easily. Sometimes the other team gets tiered by the second half so then we can run right by them. Soccer doesn’t take too much skill, but you need a little. Some drills are hard like the burpy drill, braiding drill, pick the trash drill, and we usually run a mile every night. Those I don’t really like about soccer but there not too bad. You need to keep your grades up between it all so you can stay on the soccer team and complete a season. Some people probably wouldn’t like soccer because it’s a contact sport, pushing up on each other, slide tackling, trying to head the ball, and keeping the ball from the other team. I think the most important part of soccer is your defense, but you need to make sure you have a good offense to. Some teams may play dirty, trying to get away with every little thing they can. Also some refs may play favorites to the opposing team. But you learn to deal with it. Soccer interest a lot of people like me, does it interest you? Soccer is a good way to get out and do something instead of staying at home. Soccer practice is also a good exercise with all the running. Soccer’s a good sport many people would like to play, or know how to, or want to play. All you have to do is try to play, it’s easy to learn. Just make sure when you’re on offense don’t g o behind the last defender and get called for off sides, never slide tackle from behind you will get a red card automatically. You should always be aware of where the ball is on the field or on the bench. You should always play aggressive and don’t back down from someone bigger than you. Just be aggressive and run through the ball it might hurt for a minute but you will be ok. soccer’s a fun sport you sh

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