GOAL! | Teen Ink


November 13, 2014
By Anonymous

“Get up!” Joey’s mom insisted. Today is your final game. It determines if you will be first or stay in second place. Joey got up and put on his uniform and went to the kitchen. He was having blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Joey grabbed his soccer ball and sprinted outside.

When Joey got there the team was already warming up. The whistle blew. The game started. The opponent team had an advantage because we only had 9 players instead of 11. I sprinted up the field to cross it to the forward. There was only 3 minutes left in the game. The ball was high in the air. He jumped and headed it into the goal. GOAL!!!! Our team gathered around in a little circle. We cheered and so did some parents. Then there was 1 minute in the game, we were happy because we were about to be first place. Whistle blew and the ref shouted “Game is over!” We all celebrated.
The feeling the ball passed the goal line was very excited. I knew when I woke up that morning that we were going to play hard and we did. That’s why we won 1-0.

The author's comments:

I wrote this article because i really liked how we won and played when i was 8.

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