There's more to it than tutus! | Teen Ink

There's more to it than tutus!

January 2, 2009
By Anonymous

Like all dancers, it really bugs me when a person says dancing takes no work because all you do is prance about in a tutu. Obviously that person has never set foot in a dance class in their life. Obviously they have never felt the pain that inevitably accompanies an unbroken in pair of pointe shoes, or the frustration of not getting the beat perfect in a pendulum wing. They have never felt the heat rash that comes when the sweat is pouring down your face or the sore legs that occur the day after a class.
As you can tell, I'm a dancer and have been since the age of five. I do ballet, freestyle, modern and tap. I was (and still am) a kid who was always skipping about and sining and dancing ( the Disney Sing Along Song videos were nearly worn out since I watched them so often) so maybe a dance class was inevitable. At first I was mesmerized by the pink shoes and pretty skirts but I soon found out that dancing took work, and lots of it! As you advance up the grades, the work inevitably increases, and practically none of it involves prancing about in a tutu.
The only time you have to do that is during a show! Joy! My favourite time of the dancing year! The exams are over, and it means new dances, new music, and most importantly new costumes!
In 2006 my dance teacher took a group of us out to Los Angeles to represent Scotland at Dance Excellence, and it was one of the best weeks I have ever lived through. It was hard physically, especially with jet lag and since my parents, brother and sister were still in Glasgow, on the other side of the world, and there were some arguments but to dance out on stage at Disneyland, with some stirring Scottish music in the background, representing your school, your country and your sport, is the best feeling in the world.
Our show nearly didn't happen last June - the hall burned down the month before. My teacher found a replacement but it meant getting used to a completely different stage. However, all went ahead and all was spectacular.
People have often asked me "Would you consider a career in dance?" and are always surprised when I tell them no. The reason is that I'm simply not good enough. After eleven and a half years of course I am a reasonably good dancer but to get to professional level would mean so much more work and while it's a great hobby, school work takes priority.
Maybe people say there is no work to dancing because professionals make it look so easy. That is the surefire sign that the person has danced until they can dance no more - the easier it looks, the harder it often is.

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on Jun. 17 2009 at 11:33 pm
PhoenixFeather62442 BRONZE, Chesterfield, Missouri
3 articles 21 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Life moves pretty fast. If you don&#039;t look around every once in a while, you could miss it.&quot; <br /> --Ferris Bueller :D

I completely and totally agree with you!! I wrote an article about this too. It's called "Tutus and Twirling."