So you want to play soccer | Teen Ink

So you want to play soccer

December 14, 2014
By Brandon07 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
Brandon07 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life goes on.

Some of the greatest moments are out on the pitch. If you want to be a soccer player, Go For It! No matter your age, size, boy, or girl, kids all over the world are getting together and playing the wonderful sport. There are already over 270 million people total in the world that are playing soccer. Your time to get started in now.

Getting started is easy! The first thing you need to do is find a near by soccer association or club to sign up for. There are usually two levels of youth soccer, Competitive(Comp) and Recreational(Rec). If you are nervous or scared to join a team or you're worried you won't know anybody, ask a friend that might be interested to come with you. Who knows, he/she might like soccer more than they thought after giving it a try.

Soccer is a very contact sport. As you get older you will come to realize that injury and physicality increase dramatically. But don't fear this because if you wear the proper equipment and learn a few techniques when you play nothing will be able to stop you.
Basic Soccer Equipment
Soccer cleats
Shin guards
Soccer socks (knee height)
Gym shorts, soccer or basketball shorts
Light breathable T-shirt or jersey
The most important part of a soccer players safety equipment is there shin guards. The shin is the part of your leg in between your knee and ankle. Shin guards help protect that bone from being hit and injured. When players are kicking their feet at you trying to take the ball and kick you right in the shin you're going to be thankful you have them. There are different sizes and levels of shin guards. You have to buy ones that fit your height and age, this information is displayed on the packaging.


When you start playing you will have to learn positions. There are four main positions. Forward, Midfielder, Defenders, and the Goalkeeper. At first you will probably not know which position you are good at or want to play. This is okay, just listen to everything your coach says, they understand the game and will know what position is best for you.
Being a Goalkeeper is different however. The Goalkeeper is the only player on the field that is allowed to use his/her hands to catch or save a ball that would have allowed the other team a goal. The Goalkeeper has a whole different set of rules then the other players, it is up to you if you would like to become a Goalkeeper.

The #1 reason you should play soccer is because you want to. You have to love the sport and have passion to train harder and achieve greater. It is a wonderful sport where you will meet new people, make new friends, make connections and interact with others. Soccers teaches leadership and other life skills that a well rounded athlete dominates over people that chose to not participate in team activities or physical activity. Soccer is a lot of hard work. Its frustrating at times but you will overcome your obstacles and discover yourself as a person by doing so. By playing soccer my whole life and falling in love with it at a young age soccer has become my life, it has become a part of me and I hope someday it becomes a part of you.

The author's comments:

Soccer is my life. So i wanted to get other kids to start playing soccer.

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