Last Shot | Teen Ink

Last Shot

December 9, 2014
By isaiahf14 BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
isaiahf14 BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As he dribbles the ball down the court on a fast break to the hoop, the sweat running down his face, his teammates cheering him on and the crowd roaring. The time is ticking down on the clock as he dashes to the basket. He is running as fast as possible. He tripped and feels the pain right away. His ankle is sprained. All he’s concentrating on is the ball rolling down the court. His teammates caught up to him and one of them grabs the ball. The dribble the rest of the down the court and he’s think they’re going to do an easy layup. They go up for a reverse layup, he misses, and the other team gets the ball. He’s sitting on the bench because someone else has taken his spot. His just thinking about when he tripped, only if he never tripped. He tunes back into the game. His team has the ball. Maybe it’s not over yet, there’s about 30 seconds left in the game and every last second counts. It’s down to every move one of them makes. The other team goes to steel it. The ball gets knocked loose. They scramble to get the ball back, and we end up getting the ball back. The clock’s winding down and we’re still losing by two. He wonders if we will tie it up or win by one. We go up for a layup. He gets fouled on the way up. His teammate goes to the line to take his first two foul shots of the night. The first one swishes through the net and the second off the front of the rim into the air and into the net. We tied it up but there’s still a few seconds left in the last quarter. It’s complete man to man defense. They take the ball out up top. We steal the ball, make the basket, and win the championships.

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