A Fighter's Inferno | Teen Ink

A Fighter's Inferno

January 30, 2015
By Anonymous

I had internal bleeding because my spleen had been busted open in a boxing tournament and this is how the story starts. I had the courage and inner strength to keep going and keep pushing it to the end, there was so much pain involved and all of my efforts to practice had been working out so far my determination to be the best and to be the champion where really pushing me to win .Besides that even though I was hurt I kept going and I kept pushing it and that’s why this is so important to me and that is why I'm going to share this experience instead of other happy experiences that could be sharing and besides that it actually shows people and myself a lesson that even though the situation can be completely against you and the odds are the worst enemy you can be facing, if you wait and just concentrate and give it your best you can and will be successful. It was an infernal night that day.

The experience begins in 2013 about September and there was a huge Muay Thai tournament and I was in it because I practice multiple martial arts, besides this I was with my coaches and I had been training for a really long time and basically I myself am a big really athletic kid who is only 14 years old and without no doubt in all of the sports I get in I am just a natural athlete. besides this I have really persistent professors who I seem to them like a man of steel or the only one guy they have trained that can´t and hasn't been stopped, it is really impressive how these 3 men just work day and night and they want mi success to wash over me and besides that they want me to be in mi prime to be in my best shape to be proud of myself to keep taking great steps in the way of my career and that is why they are so dear friends. But oh man the best thing was getting to the place where the tournament would take place, you could just feel all the good vibe and all of the energy and adrenaline the best thing is when you get to put the gloves on, you can smell the plastic and Velcro of the gloves and that smell just pumps you up more, the smell of alcohol to clean the fighter who has been hurt, fighting his opponent with such determination and such hardship and sportsmanship that It is admirable.

Include dramatic dialogue and vivid descriptions of actions. How does the conflict develop?
I was at the tournament and me and  my opponent where going at it, there was no way we could stop our breathing seemed to pace at the same speed and we seemed to have already wearied out our muscles and we could feel that energy and the warm spots on your body followed by the pain of being hit, you could feel all the heat and that’s what made it even better, until he hit me on my left side and the pain that I felt, I really can’t explain in words it was really the worst feeling ever. “I’m hurt I can feel it" I replied to my coach in a really unbearable pain he just gave me a cold stare and I knew what was coming after that, as speech to get me going. “You’re the man! Keep going!" My professor told me with a serious voice "Man I swear I can't, I need to throw the towel" I nervously told my coach

"Young man, can you fight?" The referee asked my corner and staring at my eyes as to be expecting a response that would keep the crowd jumping out of there seats and keep them all happy at least this was the only way everyone would make a profit and enjoy the night.

"Can he fight?" He asked again impatiently still staring at us with a glare of confusion it seemed like. I could just feel my heart beating and the palpitations in my neck which just accelerated me even more when I was not ready to take all that energy out, I was about to just drop, I would not be able to continue, but the easy way is always there just like a huge wave getting ready to wash everything away with the first chance it gets and its the worst enemy you can have...I will wake up at 5:00am and you can just feel the voices in your head telling you “come on go back to sleep” but I can’t do that I have to get up, workout, take a shower and get ready for school that’s why I wasn'

The feeling and emotions in the ring were so intense but at the same time they were kind of being blurred away by a cloud of confusion because every time I looked at my opponent I could feel that anger and that determination to take him down but as well you can feel the pain holding you back and you can feel it slowing you down and making you react less fast and you just want to stand there and take the hits because the pain is already there and you believe that you will still go down but you don´t you stay standing and you take the punches and you think to yourself "You have to move" and when you move the opponent is already wearing out because you took the punches, its not really about who can move better or who can hit harder or who can throw more punched in a round its about how many punches you can take and the mental discipline that helps you move through the pain and helps you keep going and keeping up the fight with a fear but not a fear of falling down and not a fear of hurting your opponent, the fear of all the people watching and falling in front of them and leaving the people who want you to win and be succsessful down.

Because it is basically one of the most important lessons in my life and it is the memory that shows what I always say KEEP FIGHTING. and its a really valuable lesson this affected me by making me more disciplined.

The author's comments:

This is a Fighters story, my story

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