popularity of lacrosse | Teen Ink

popularity of lacrosse

February 13, 2015
By coffey BRONZE, Marlboro, Massachusetts
coffey BRONZE, Marlboro, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I first started playing lacrosse there weren’t a lot of people that knew about the sport and there weren’t a lot of people that went to games. My dad told me when he was little he had no idea what lacrosse was. I asked the princible at my school and she said, “ we don’t have a lacrosse team because there aren’t enough schools that have teams because not a lot of people play it”. Eventually more of my friends did it and so did more kids in other grades so there was a need for a team but only the 8th graders could do it because they played against freshmen and softmores. After a few years of playing everyone now knows about lacrosse and the 8th grade jv team went undefeated. They were able to beat freshmen and softermores and they beat some of the best teams in the state. These past 5 years lacrosse has been the fastest growing sport in America and the competition is getting better. It’s not just boys lacrosse that is growing, girls lacrosse is also. In boys lacrosse checking is allowed so lots of equipment must be worn. In girls lacrosse there is no checking or hitting so girls wear very little protection although there is talk they might have girls wear helmets because of injuries. More and more schools are making lacrosse teams because of the popularity. Lacrosse is like China because of how fast it is growing ,but why is it getting so popular? I asked lacrosse players and non lacrosse players some questions and most of them said they would play or like the sport because of the speed of the game, the way its played and the contact. Some other responses were they new about all the equipment  and they would play it to stay in shape. Now that everyone knows about the sport I think everyone should at least find out more about it to see if they would want to play it and try it if they can. I think eventually lacrosse will be as popular and famous as football, baseball, basketball, and hockey.

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