Best Coach Ever | Teen Ink

Best Coach Ever

May 26, 2015
By Anonymous

This year in lacrosse was one of the worst years in sports I have ever had played. I quit towards the end of the year I was almost the best I thought I was some people on the team also thought I was almost the best player on the team. I would not try hard in practice at first I would show up late, and slouch around. I only had one real coach he was cool and energetic all the time for some reason. He would always ask the head coach if I can get in and play but he always said “no”.

A few weeks passed I started to improve my attitude and go to practice but I was not getting in. And they kept saying show it in practice your attitude needs improvement, I would get mad and just dress for practice and not games. I would go so hard in practice I was like a fat rabbit but kind of quick I thought. So after like an indirect argument with the coaches my favorite coach in the school was talking to me and said the most the soul crushing stuff  “ what if I wasn’t your coach, would you play”?  “What if something happened to me and I couldn’t coach”?
I had no idea he would say this it got silent and I thought long and hard and a few tears came out I tried so hard hold it in. I couldn’t even look at him. I had my head down and told him if any of this was to happen or anything I would never play lacrosse again and I would never pick up another stick. After this I think he let a few tears go as well, I never seen this or heard of a thing happening to him. He’s like one of those small guys who had the biggest heart and self-confidence who would think he can survive anything alligators, sharks, airplane crash and everything and anything.

So after that I went back to practice and a few weeks later I quit. I tried extra hard to at least start but nothing ever changed so I left. But next year I will be a senior and I can’t let him down my last year with him as my coach and it’s going to be a good year no more slacking, nothing but hard work. I never had a person to be a hero/role model but if I had to choose it would be Caulfield, he’s a good teacher and coach, and next year I’m ready for whatever it takes to be the best.

The author's comments:

good coach and teacher

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