baseball to me | Teen Ink

baseball to me

January 30, 2009
By Anonymous

For as long as I can remember I have always played baseball. I cant remember a season that if missed. Baseball has always been my life other than school, friends and family. I started off playing baseball at three years old. My dad was my first coach and he to this day has pretty much been there to teach me and help me progress. Whenever I play baseball I have fun. But don't get me wrong I am very competitive when I play and care very much if I when or lose. But I always remember what one of my many coaches said 'when the game begins the umpire yells play ball not work ball and don't ever let baseball become work that you don't enjoy.' That has stuck with me but other than playing baseball you have to learn respect for your team and other people. You also have to learn good sportsmanship. Even if my dream of becoming a major league player doesn't work out I can take the traits I learned playing baseball and apply them to any job I do. I love playing baseball a lot and will continue to do it even if I don't make the pros.

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