Glittering Ice | Teen Ink

Glittering Ice

December 21, 2015
By Pettyjohn BRONZE, Milton, Delaware
Pettyjohn BRONZE, Milton, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 We went sledding two years ago when it snowed during Thanksgiving. Our friends have a vacation house in Paris, Kentucky. Their large brick house sits in the middle of acres of land. When we step out onto their porch the land stretches so far our eyes can’t see past the rolling hills and the only smell that wafts up our noses are of horses, cows and other animals. The snow glittering like diamonds was piled about a half a foot high. As we woke up the morning we got there my friend, Makayla, looked outside and saw more snow had fallen. “Get up” she yelled to me “quickly before it melts”.We got dressed in our warmest clothes and trudged through the snow to find we had no sleds. We then went inside to tell our dads we wanted to go sledding but had no sleds, so they came outside and looked. All we could find was a plastic kiddy pool with rubber duckies plastered on the inside and outside, some other plastic and some rope. We decided to use the rope to attach the rubber ducky kiddy pool to their Yamaha four-wheeler. Lethargic was not in anyone’s vocabulary that day because everyone was excited over our new solution.  My dad didn’t even warn us as the four – wheeler lurched, speeding through the snow like a skater on ice. Their chocolate lab puppies Piper and Avery ran around digging holes in the white ice making our ride much bumpier. Our fingers, toes and noses became frozen quickly after multiple face plants. My dad would sometimes spin around in circles so many times the pool would come right out from under us as we flipped!  I have never had a snow day as much fun as that one and probably never will. My favorite part though was having the time of my life with my friends and family.

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