Marching Band | Teen Ink

Marching Band

February 17, 2016
By MarchingBandGeek BRONZE, Austin, Texas
MarchingBandGeek BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All I saw was people staring at us. All i heard was a judge saying “Drum Major is your band ready?” I felt nervous, and stressed . Then 10 seconds later we started to march. That day we got a 3 at UIL (1-best, 2-okay, 3-bad, 4- why did you show up). I was very letdown and was about to cry!

How can marching band change your life?

Before Marching band I really didn’t care/try at all in band because i thought it was boring, but my perspective changed after the first game of football. During rehearsal or marching rehearsals you learn to be disciplined, stay in tempo and most of all work together as a band.


Meeting new friends
During marching band you get to meet new people that will later become friends, than squad, than something more special… Family!

How marching band change you?

“Marching band changed me from being lonely and with anxiety to a lot of friends. Band has really helped me with my anxiety and made me more confident.” - Gustavo 

“Band has changed me because it has taught me that band takes more work than any other sport. It takes dedication, patience and time.” - Carol 


“Band has changed because now it’s a lot more serious and takes up a lot more time and you have to commit.” - Grace 

Sure we got a 3 at UIL but that’s not stopping us from getting better next or the year after that and really has we band geeks say.... BAND IS LIFE!!!

Article evidence

In the theodysseyonline, Whitney Martin states  “You have to play your memorized music on your instrument/twirl your flag, look at the drum major, listen to the percussion and play with them, pay attention to the spacing of everyone around you without moving your head, be careful of your embouchure and balance, and remember when and where your next move is…all while trying to remember to breathe.” This is saying how marching band can improve your multitasking.

In musicnotes it states that “Long rehearsals in the aforementioned elements are not for the faint of heart. To work strenuous hours through tough conditions instills a mental fortitude and ethic that will serve you throughout your life.” This talking about dedication and endurance.

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This article has 1 comment.

ZebraD SILVER said...
on Feb. 24 2016 at 9:11 am
ZebraD SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 3 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The battle between the living and the dead must have been apocalyptic." -Darren Shan's "Zom-B City"

Awesome! I used to be in marching band (before I went to homeschool) and I LOVED it! It was fun, challenging, and really brought out the determination in band students. Thanks for putting it out there for marching band nerds! -ZebraD