Extreme Sports | Teen Ink

Extreme Sports

March 6, 2016
By ByunBH SILVER, Bandar Enstek, Other
ByunBH SILVER, Bandar Enstek, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Extreme sport is also known as action sports and adventurous sport. It is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion and highly specialised gear. The examples of famous extreme sports are bungee jumping, hot air ballooning, sky diving, skiing, mountain biking, hiking and water skiing. These sports are very popular among active teenagers these days.


One example of extreme sports is bungee jumping. Bungee jumping is very popular among us today. Bungee jumping is a game where we jump from a tall structure using a long large elastic cord. The tall structure must be a fixed object such as building, bridge, crane and so forth. It will be more possible if the structure is movable. This is because people will get scared if the structure moving. Examples of movable high structure are hot air balloon and helicopter. The next example of extreme sports is mountain biking. Mountain biking is the sport of riding bicycles off-road over the rough terrain. We must use the specially designed mountain bikes to mountain biking. Mountain biking can generally be broken down into multiple categories. They are cross country, trail riding, all mountains, downhill, free-ride and dirt jumping. Mountain biking requires strength, balance, bike handling skills and self-reliance. Mountain biking can be performed everywhere such as backyard, gravel road, back roads, fire roads or single tracks.


Other than that, water skiing is also one of the extreme sports.  It can be defined as a surface water sport. We will be pulled behind a boat or cable ski installation over a body of water.  In order to carry out this extreme sport, we have to search for sufficient area on a smooth stretch of water, 1 or 2 skiers, a tow boat and rope, 3 or 4 people and personal floatation device. In Malaysia, there are many places that suitable for this activity such as Putrajaya and Langkawi Island. This sport is good in calorie burning and for Overall Health. Water skiing also allowed people of all skill levels and ages. There are no minimum ages of skiers. The last example for extreme sports is sky diving or more well-known as parachuting. Parachuting is a method of exiting an aircraft and returning to earth with the aid of gravity. It may involve less or more free-fall. It will be more fun if we play this sport during windy day. Andre-Jacque Garnerinin is the first people that succeed descents using a canvas canopy form a small basket tethered beneath a hot air balloon.


Extreme sports are beneficial for us especially the youngsters. By practicing extreme sports, we will be in shape. Exercising has always been great for the human body. Being in a good shape is a sign of a healthy lifestyle based on a healthy diet and lots of exercising, or in this case, extreme sports.

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