Should College Athletes Get Paid? | Teen Ink

Should College Athletes Get Paid?

March 9, 2016
By jmb21 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
jmb21 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some people say paying college athletes is a good idea. They think that for there work and the risk of injury they should get payed. I think the opposite. Putting money in college kids hands is a bad idea. Also I think that a scholarship is enough. I'm here to prove that to you.

In recent years there has been a lot of controversy on should college athletes get paid. No is the answer. Even if they did after other expenses such as maintenance, and paying for coaches they would only get a little over 1,000 dollars a piece. But even 1,000 dollars is too much.  They already get +100,000 dollars in scholarship money which gives them a free education at the best schools in the United States. Scholarships are plenty. These kids are indirectly are making more money than most other students for free! They get to have fun and play football well other kids have to work at some Mcdonald's. That’s not fair.

I know there is also good things that come out of it to. For their willingness to get injuries. They should be able to buy a car. Considering that they have no extra time to get a job that gives a paycheck. Or save up for a apartment later on. After college. Yeah because the get free dorms also. Or some entertainment with there friends. They get there food plans free. To insure they stay fit. They get so much already do you think they should get even more?
Also what do you think cash in hand and a bit of curiosity will do. It will buy bad things that will jeopardize their career. Drugs and alcohol 35 percent of students already do marijuana and 50 or more percent drink alcohol. What do you think money that they have nothing to spend on will go torwards. Most likely what I said previously. In the end it will jeopardize their career and mean more kids will get addicted. Drugs and alcohol then led to crime. That’s why you don't pay athletes in the end it won't be good.

Do you want this? I don't think so. So we can't pay college athletes and there are various reasons. If they do pay athletes I'm almost positive that more will get kicked off the team no matter how big the consequences. This cannot happen. I know you think the same to.

The author's comments:

My seventh grade argument piece. Enjoy.

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