Motocross | Teen Ink


March 29, 2016
By Anonymous

To some Motocross can be just a twist of a throttle or a simple give it gas and go. But what others don’t understand is that motocross is more than just that. Motocross is the number one physically demanding sport around the United States and other countries. Motocross takes time and patience to get known for and win championships. It’s a lifestyle that some will live putting everything they have into it. Their blood, sweet and life is on the line every single time they take a twist of the throttle.

When a pro Motocross rider is in a race, there are many obstacles that they must overcome. From large jumps to tight corners. Motocross is one of the most competitive head to head sports out there. Staying in shape and keeping their endurance up is also very important. Making sure to drink plenty of water and eat the proper foods.
People may disagree about Motocross being a sport, but according to it is the top physically demanding sport out of the NFL and even Basketball or Hockey. Someone can’t just hop on a dirt bike and expect to do what others can. It takes years upon years to master the skill. Even by then there is still more to learn and thrive to get better at. It is a lifestyle and to others a dream that they are trying to fulfill to become one of these pro Motocross riders.

It goes further than just the racing too. Preparedness and patience can also be a number one skill. It can take weeks and even months to prepare for a race. Having a mechanic to keep the dirt bike up and running is very important. Which prevents faster lap times, less injuries and more being more capable of winning. Motocross is not just a twist of a throttle but a passion worth living for that can then turn into a lifestyle.

The author's comments:

Motocross is a sport that i love and it is about the Characteristics of the sport.

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