Final Play and Injury | Teen Ink

Final Play and Injury

May 12, 2016
By JasonGosnell BRONZE, Colorado Springs Co, Colorado
JasonGosnell BRONZE, Colorado Springs Co, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name Jason and i play LLFB (little league football) and i am one of the best running backs on our team. I scored almost 55 touchdowns in one season and not only that but i have a championship coming and i could score almost 60 touchdown. But that's not going to be easy because we are playing the one team that we lost to…The saints. We lost in overtime 30-24. It was our first game so i think this game will turn out more discriminatory (one sided)because everything is better when you have been with it longer, but the same thing is for the saints they will be better as well but we have me and my #1 quarterback brayden.
Hi my name is Brayden and im the quarterback for the Eagles and i have a great RB a his name is JJ


jason…..probably one of the best running backs in our league. He is going for 55 tds this season and it might be in the championship. I know if we won a championship it would feel great and would make me happy like when the broncos won the superbowl i know that the saints in the championship are going to be looking for the #21 on the field and they will be wanting to triple team him, Also on defense they will have to block him like crazy because he hits really hard.Also i know that he loves to hit so it will be a bloodbath to him

As we are warming up you would think they were a cheer team because all they were doing was cheer such as like going S-A-I-N-T were are the saints family and dumb things like that. But are team looked ready to go and we were ready to hit run and play hard.

Now it's near the end of the game and we are losing 25-21.We have the ball on the 20 yard line with 1m playing slotback and i get the play called to me ‘spread liz 38 pitch right double x flag pass right’. As i felt the nervousness in my stomach As he looked like the same way i was i gave brayden the thumbs up. I feel the rush in my head and my chest. It's crazy having the game in me and braydens hands. As he says down i proceed to go to the right as i listen to as the play undeviatingly told me to do. Hike! As the center snaps the ball i go out for the fake handoff as that works amazingly like a fish going for a worm. Then i am going for the pass with THREE guys on me not knowing what  to do i swerve right then i was open.  I scream here here and then it was thrown i jump up for the catch.

The crowd goes wild as i'm coming down with the balL.Then CRUNCH...Crack!! As i'm screaming from winning the championship. My face suddenly goes blank…. Oh my gosh!!! I yelled looking down at my ankle. All i see is the end of some limb and blood. As i'm screaming in horrific pain. As the excruciating pain suddenly was  gone. It felt like a real life nightmare in real life… Having no clue what happened i start yelling know one could here me over the happy yelling but brayden he gets the couch. They tell me not to look down. All that i could think of was my leg


Later that year i was working on getting me back into the football mood and getting the leg back. Then i was at my  first time playing in a while and was needing to play my heart out.

Later that game  i had 10  TDs and won us that game and later on the championship….again        

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