nextel cup | Teen Ink

nextel cup

March 3, 2009
By Anonymous

A dream I once had was when I had won the Nextel cup. It was on the fifth to last lap; Jeff Gordon had spun out Kurt Bush, he was in the back of the pack now. Dale Earnhardt Jr. comes through the pack of cars blocking him. Jeff, Dale, and I are the top three cars. I'm in first, Jeff is second, and Dale in third. Dale takes second place and I'm ahead of them just enough to make it to make the white flag. Dale takes first and we're nose to nose until I get ahead of him Gordon chases Dale to take back second place but as Gordon goes to spin Dale out Dale speeds up and Gordon hit's the wall at full speed. On the final lap and Dale is on my right side and I speed up to take first. We're about fifty feet from the finish line and boom one of my tires blow, Dale on my side blows his engine and I gain the lead, I just won the Nextel cup

The author's comments:
i wrote this whan i was in the 5th grade and i was 10 years old so its short and not so well written because i wasn't a very good with language arts or english

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