My First Jump and Dream | Teen Ink

My First Jump and Dream

March 4, 2009
By Paige CHalmers BRONZE, Whitinsville, Massachusetts
Paige CHalmers BRONZE, Whitinsville, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a beautiful spring day. The wind whistled through the emerald canopies of trees, shy flower buds peeked through the ground, birds fluttered among the branches, and a nearby stream gurgled gaily. I could hear chipmunks scurrying between my horse's hooves and fresh pine filled my nose. It was the day I discovered my dream.
Galloping down the path, I spied a log ahead. Slightly out of the saddle and heels down, I leaned as Daisy pushed off the ground. Unexpectedly, we flew over the log. My heart pounded in my ears. My body shook with excitement. My soul soared to freedom.
Later that week, five small cross rails stood in the middle of the ring. Only wanting to trot over them, I was surprised when Daisy took the left turn and took off at a canter. With the wind whipping through my hair and the sun as our spotlight, we danced a perfect performance. We cleared all five jumps and alighted on the ground. Exhilaration rushed through me.
Still today with each jump, I feel like a tiger escaping from a cage. I imagine being at the Mclay finals with a clear run in front of me, and a win. As we clear the jumps, I envision holding the trophy and magnificent blue ribbon. Flowers surround my horse's neck and I dream of a victory lap. It's a perfect day.

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