OU Is Better Than OSU | Teen Ink

OU Is Better Than OSU

December 13, 2016
By Anonymous

OU is one of the best college football team in the western conference.The bedlam game  on December 3, 2016 between OU and OSU. The team that I was rooting for won. So I wasn’t going to be that guy and go be obnoxious by running around and saying out loud that my team won I have empathy for the other people rooting for the opposing team. I know it's hard knowing that your team lost probably one of the biggest games in OU and OSU history I could be completely wrong on that statement but i’m going to keep it. But I know how it would feel if my team lost. As you can tell i’m writing about bedlam a rivalry between Oklahoma State University and Oklahoma University. The moral of the story is that people have different opinions and people are going to disagree with you but remember have some empathy.

My friends and I are on different side when it comes to college football. Some of my friends really like OSU I’m not judging them OSU is good don’t get me wrong. The side that I am with are the Oklahoma Sooners or also known as OU. This all started when we were all at my friends house we were about to watch the game. Then we got into betting by asking everyone who they are rooting for we all put in about $10 into the pot. The people that were involved were my friends named Cooper, Richie, Tasker, and me Tony also Taskers parents were in the room with us game was about to start. What people were involved?

Tasker, Richie and I Tony all agree that OU is The best out of the two teams. We are always wanting to support the team. The reason why I think the way I do is because my whole family went to Oklahoma University down in Norman Oklahoma. Remember this is all my opinion I like OU because they have a really good sports program. 

Now to Cooper’s and Ethan’s part in this bedlam battle they like OSU because of the same reasons that I like OU. OSU also has a really good sports team OSU won titles 51 titles to be exact but it could be different. The reasons why Cooper and Ethan like OSU is because of their parents they have all gone to OSU don’t get me wrong OSU has some nice colors.  

The things that i have learned from this is to stay with people their opinions could change over time but I highly doubt it. People feel different remember that we are all human not robots or aliens. People would hate each other for a couple hours and at the end of the day people would still be friend. I learned that it isn’t worth it losing a friend over something as dumb as a football match. Disclaimer I am not calling the sport dumb it’s just for the narrative. I have new understanding on people's opinion and people may have different opinions that you but just by with them when the game is over everyone becomes friends again. The way that empathy would affect the school is everyone would get along even if the person has not met the person they are talking to. How empathy would affect the community is for example New York City it would stop people from getting road rage and calm down if the street is bumper to bumper then people would not honk and everything would be calm.

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