It's an Obsession | Teen Ink

It's an Obsession

January 30, 2017
By lucas_lakey1124 BRONZE, Etoile, Texas
lucas_lakey1124 BRONZE, Etoile, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The cast of the lure, the perfect retrieve, almost in a military-perfected cadence. The slam of the bass’s mouth. The hook set. All crucial to hooking and landing a bass. bass fishing is a great way to get out and take stressful things off my mind.

One reason bass fishing is a great way to get things off my mind is because it gives me an adrenaline rush. Nothing gets my heart pumping like a big bass on the end of a 7 foot baitcaster. When I see this fish flopping and feel the line yanking it makes me excited. I love the great feeling it gives me that allows me to get things off my mind.

Another reason bass fishing is a great way to get out and take stressful things off my mind is because it gives me something to look forward too and plan. If i'm having a bad day at school I can always look forward to fishing after school. I always love to get off the bus, get my rods, hooks, and bait, and walk down to the water. I love to plan ahead and think of what my tactics will be for the day.

The final reason bass fishing is a great way to get things off my mind is because it has become a hobby. It gives me something to invest my time, money, and commitment to become a better bass fisherman. I love looking in the outdoors section and checking out all the new lures. I also love expanding my arsenal of bass fishing weapons.

Bass fishing just all around makes my life better. Because of the rush, the hobby, and the planning and looking forward, bass fishing is a great way to get things off my mind.

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