How to Do a Standing Back Tuck | Teen Ink

How to Do a Standing Back Tuck

May 10, 2017
By Anonymous

You have probably once in your lifetime, seen a person do a “backflip without their hands.” Well, the proper name for this flip is a standing back tuck, also called a standing back, back tuck, standing tuck, or just tuck. A back tuck isn’t as hard as it may seem, though, as there are only a few steps to get it. Before you attempt a standing tuck, make sure you have someone professional to assist you in the process to prevent injuries from happening.

Before starting the standing back tuck process, you have to have at least a standing back-handspring, and a running roundoff, back-handspring, back tuck on a cheerleading mat to make it easier to achieve. Stretching and doing easier skills like handstands and back walkovers are a good warmup before starting. Some drills and conditioning can also help is doing crunches, leg lifts, and to get a mat that is about the height of your waist and jump straight onto your back, and then tuck in to a candlestick position.

The first step in a standing tuck is to do them at the end of the Tumbl Trak because it is very bouncy and has a mat to land on. It is very important to get a spotter to assist you before attempting this move so that you do not injure yourself. To do a standing tuck, make sure you jump very aggressively from your toes to get maximum height. Start with your hands by your side, and, when you’re ready to go, swing them back while keeping your chest up. Spotting the wall will help with keeping your chest up during that part. When you go for the actual tuck, there are two ways that you can grab. You can grab behind your knees to help with the rotation, or you can hold the front of your knees which requires more abdominal strength. When landing, make sure to look at the same spot on the wall to prevent reaching for the ground with your hands, otherwise you can get a broken finger.

The second step to a standing tuck is to go to an incline mat (also known as a cheese mat) and do tucks on that with a spotter. Eventually, you will be able to achieve a tuck on the incline without a spot, and, when that does happen, you will be able to start working your way down the mat. Ultimately you will be able to do a tuck on the bottom of the mat. which only gives you a little bit of height/bounce in the tuck. At that point. have a spotter spot you a few times, and, by then you will have built enough strength mentally and physically to be able to do a standing tuck by yourself.

Now that you have achieved your goal of a standing tuck, you will be able to show it off to everyone! A standing tuck is still dangerous though, so be cautious about where you do it especially if there is not mat to protect you from injury. Technique is also a key component to keep a standing tuck safe. Remember, a tuck is fun to have, but an injury is not.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this essay is, I have been cheerleading for what will soon be eight years. Almost everyone that is aware that I cheer has asked me advice on how to do a "flip" which is formly known as a standing-backtuck.

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