Sunrise | Teen Ink


June 5, 2023
By 4scott SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4scott SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Sunrise. Sunrises are always a beautiful way to start a morning. The sunrise symbolizes the bright light that shines down on you to show success. You see the pretty sky on your way to work, school or even activities. The sunrise really shows its true color with a dazzling light which spreads in the sky that a lot of people go out and enjoy the view with a drive or pulled up in a parking lot or clear space to see the sky and sun rising to really brighten the mood and sighting. I get to see the sunrise mainly every morning and get the bright orange and sometimes pinkish sky on the ride to school which brightens the mood a little more with some music. When people drive out to go see the sunrise they tend to be as quiet as a mouse just taking in all of the light and how pretty the sky is made just from the sun coming up. With the sunrise there comes a big appreciation of how pretty the world can really be besides the people and buildings, just the natural features and sky itself can really show the salmon colored light the sunrise can create from above and what is glistening down on you to have a bright day and life showing you to choose happiness. Despite having to wake up early in the morning, which is never fun, you get to see the orange blossom and glowing light that is pretty but also somewhat blinding. Some people may relate the sunrise to many other views like the mountains or high in the sky from a plane and being able to relate the sunrise to those views to show that the world can be pretty all the time, just how you view the world. 

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