Niagara Falls | Teen Ink

Niagara Falls

March 26, 2012
By Duggan95 BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
Duggan95 BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mom used to ask my sister and I all the time"What is one place you would love to visit?" I would always reply, " Nigra Falls." In the summer of 2011 I got to go. It was an amazing trip. Upstate New York is beautiful. After we left, all I wanted to do was go back.

My freshman year of high school I won a trip to New York through my participation in science fair. I was so excited to be competing at an international science fair. After I won, my mom and I got the information packet, and as I was flipping through I saw that going to Niagara Falls was one of the outings we got to go on. I told my mom one of my dreams was finally going to come true.

When my mom and I finally got to upstate New York, I was surprised by the beauty of the state. After two days of competing at the international science fair, it was time to leave for Niagara Falls. It was a two hour trip, the whole time I was giddy. I couldn't wait to get there and see the blue falls.

We finally arrived. It was as gorgeous and magnificent. The first thing my mom and I did was ride the boat the Maid of the Mist. The boat ride was one of the prettiest parts. We got so close to the falls; it seemed like we could touch them. Also, when you are on the boat the captain tells you stories about people going over the falls in barrels and surviving. Then after we got off the boat, we went to the gift shops and bought T-shirts. After that we went to the observation decks to look over the falls. It was an amazing sight.

After leaving my first words were, " Mom when can we go back?" This trip was one of my favorite memories. The beauty of the falls was unlike anything I have ever seen. I now have a different place I would like to go, Hawaii.


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