Der Karneval der Awesomeness. | Teen Ink

Der Karneval der Awesomeness.

May 22, 2013
By thesunnyshadow SILVER, Pune, Other
thesunnyshadow SILVER, Pune, Other
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Seize The Day:)

Germany. The country of education, culture, fashion,cars, historical masterpieces and before I forget, lots and lots of bread and Curry-wurst.There's no particular season that one should visit Germany, because there is always something awesome going on, no matter what the season or the weather is.Berlin, in particular, is one of the best places on Earth. Well, I'm here in summer now, so I'll write about the reasons why one should visit Berlin in summer:
1) The weather is quite pleasant, apart from its mood swings that cause it to rain without any particular reason or warning.
2)You don't have to stack yourself with warm clothes, like in winter.
3)The day lasts really long. The sun sets at around 9 pm, so you can see more of the city before its dark. (There's a lot to see after its dark, too.)
Lets get to the point.
This, no one should miss. The processions that take place at the day of the Karneval is something that will blow your mind.People showcasing cultures from different countries and continents: Venezuela, India, Brazil,China, Japan,USA, and so many more from the local groups here. The music, though loud, is amazing enough to make you dance without you knowing it. People crowd the streets to get a glimpse of the colorful processions. You can see people on the roofs of buildings, sitting with food and beer, and there really couldn't be a better view of the Karneval. People in all different kinds of clothes, accessories,people from all parts of the world, all dancing and having beer-It's a wonderful sight.
The bands playing drums, saxophones,guitars, and the well trained gymnasts performing acts you've never seen before. Another part of the Karneval was the shops and food stalls. The street was FULL of different types of food-African, Vietnamese,Indian, Chinese,Arabic, Turkish.. I mean what better place than this for a foodie? The shops selling stuff you might not find anywhere else-stuff made from recycled things, jewellery, hats, bags, scarves, sandalwood, antiques,garden furniture,books, and then usual souvenirs like fridge magnets, postcards etc. It's a treat for the eyes.And the live bands playing in different places,and the music is no less than any international band.
I mean, how can one miss this? I'm glad I didn't!

The author's comments:
A sneak peak into the Karneval der Kulturen in Berlin in May-the food, shopping, music and the amazingness of this city.

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