The Fever | Teen Ink

The Fever

May 23, 2016
By Anonymous

Author's note:

This was an English project, but I ended up really liking the story.

The year was 1935, not a noise could be heard as the wind whistles through the night sky. Silence all around as if the world had stopped. The city that never sleeps rested as the night drew near. I look out the window to see lights being switched off all across this city, one by one as if they are in sync. One light stayed lit, our living room. I could hear my parents arguing like they always do. It was probably about money again. I thought I would sneak down the hall to see what was going on.
“Nancy, where do you expect me to get all this money from? Since the stocks fell everyone has suffered and yes that means us too!” I heard my dad yelling from the living room. He rested his arm on the fireplace as he looked at a photo of him, my mom, me and my brother, James. “Oh how times were simpler back then.” Dad mumbled to himself under his drunk and stinky breath.
Mom walked slowly across the room with hope in her eyes. She grabbed dads hand saying “I know it’s hard, but we will get through this. Together.”
“NO WE WON’T! You think this is so easy, so simple! Each and every day I’m working my butt off for this family and what do I get in return?!” dad yelled at the top of his voice as he swung around drunkenly glaring at mom with anger.
“Mom, dad what are you arguing about now?!” I asked worried
“Nothing Ilah, everything is okay. I promise. Go back to bed.” mom said lovingly to me while she brushed through my hair with her hands.
“But, I heard you yelling” I paused and thought about the many things they could be fighting about or things they have fought about in the past. Divorce? Money?
“Everything will be okay, go get some rest my dear, I love you.” mom said as she kissed me goodnight.

I woke up groaning in pain. I shout for mom as loud as I can. “Am I dying,” I thought to myself, “is this what it feels like?”
“What’s wrong sweetie?” mom ran into my bedroom. 
“I don’t feel very well, I h-have a sore throat and really bad,” I groaned out, “heartburn.”
“Alright, let’s take a look at you.” mom took the sheets off gently as she noticed that I am covered in rashes. In shock she replied, “lay back sweetie, get some rest. I will go and speak with your father and see if we can get you a doctor.” mom helped me get comfortable and kissed me on the forehead before she left the room to speak with dad.
  A few hours later when dad has finished at work. Mom sat down with him in the living room.
“We need to talk.” mom said to dad worried as he sat down next to her.
“Yes dear, what's the matter?”
“Ilah is sick, this morning when she woke up she was screaming in pain, she was covered in rashes, had a horrible sore throat, heartburn, and she was struggling to talk. I think we should really take her to the doctors.” 
“I don’t know how we are going to afford that, I can barely afford to put food on the table.” dad said sternly as he scowled.
I really wish my parents wouldn't always argue. I shouldn't of screamed for help, I’ll be okay I’m sure. Mom and dad argued for what seemed like forever but then all went quiet. They must of decided to go to bed. I probably should too, I’m getting sleepy.

October 24, 1929 - Black Thursday
“John, what’s going on?!” Ben yelled across the work floor to his business partner.
“It looks like all the stocks have dropped. You might want to get to the bank quick!” John quickly explained to Ben, before he ran off to the bank.

As the birds chirp in the morning breeze, wind whistled through our house.
“Come on dear let’s take you to the doctors.” mom said to me while gently she helped me get out of bed.
“Mom I feel sick.” I said wincing as I struggled to move. “I swear I’m dying.” I thought to myself.
“I know sweetie, let’s get you moving now.” mom helped me get into the back seat of the car before she drove me to the doctors. As we arrived at the doctors, Mom carried me into the building and placed me in the waiting room. Once the doctor comes out he immediately looks at me and noticed that I am covered in rashes. “Yes I know I’m ugly.” I thought to myself.
“Oh my,” the doctor said, “I’m doctor Parker and I’ll be taking a look at you today. Follow me. I’ll just be taking your height and weight then we can start talking about what's wrong.”
I followed the doctor into the back room so he can do some checks on me. After a brief check over, Dr. Parker said “I’m afraid what I see here is something called Rheumatic fever.”
Mom had a worried look in her eyes and asked concerned, “what is that exactly?”
“It is an inflammatory disease that attacks the tissues in the body Mrs. Castro, which is often caused by strep throat not being treated or treated properly,” Dr. Parker paused, “do you get sore throats often Ilah?”
I noded gently. I really hope I’m not dying.
Dr. Parker informed us that there isn’t any cures available for human trials at the moment. With a terrified look on her face, I can tell my mom is trying to keep it together while she insured me that everything was okay. Yet I know it’s wasn’t going to be.
“All I can suggest is rest. Don’t do anything too active and drink lots of fluids.” Dr. Parker informed us.
After a long day, Mom and I go back home and she laid me down in my bed. “ Mom, will I be okay?” I asked with a worried look on my face.
“Yes my dear, now you get some rest and I’ll come in and check on you every hour.” mom then closed the bedroom door. She left a candle lit for me so I could try to drift off to sleep.
I couldn’t help but think about my parents, I feel like I always get in the way. My dad is struggling for money, he said something happened with the stocks but I have no idea what. “I’m sure everything will be okay.” I tried to convince myself.
The next morning mom came into my room with some food, It looked so yummy but I couldn't bring myself to eat it. My throat and heart hurt too much. I felt like I wasn’t going to be getting any better and I already felt super drained. I was worried that I would go to sleep and never wake up. “Mom I think I’m dying.” I said slowly to my mom. All the pain has gone, I felt cold.
“You're not dying sweetie, don’t be silly.” My mom thought I was joking.
“I don’t know what to do.” I thought to myself. “Mom, I love you. I love dad. I feel cold, tired I don’t think I can hold on much more.” When I said this, my mom freaked out and started crying. It was a mess. It was at this moment time froze. Everything slowed down, I remember seeing my mom in tears and my dad running into the room faster than lighting. “I’m sorry.” I thought to myself as I faded away. I feel like I failed them, my parents used to be so proud of me. I was the fastest runner in school. I used to win every race, my dad would call me ‘speed’ and I kinda liked it. I remember seeing a light brighter than the sun, I just wanted to touch it. It was like I was being pulled towards it, like it was calling my name. I looked over to my parents hoping that they wouldn't argue any more as I said one last thing. “ I L-love you.”

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