The Era of The Artic | Teen Ink

The Era of The Artic

October 8, 2023
By SebastianMoreno BRONZE, Winnetka, California
SebastianMoreno BRONZE, Winnetka, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


In this short story, we follow Luna, a resourceful and resilient arctic fox, as she navigates the challenges of a harsh winter landscape. Luna wakes up one day feeling an unusual chill, prompting her to take extra precautions to protect her four kits: Jupiter, Pearl, Willow, and Scar. She decides to venture up a steep mountain to find food for her family despite the treacherous weather conditions. Luna's character is established as kind, fierce, strong, intelligent, and swift. She relies on her hunting skills, using a smart tactic to distract waterfowl with berries before catching them. Luna also warns her kits about the dangerous Striker and his group, who pose a big threat to their safety. After successfully hunting and gathering food, Luna returns home to her modern, cozy den. Her loyal dog, Timber, goes out hunting as well, and Luna wishes him safety. However, their peaceful life is disrupted when the leader of Striker's group, the Leash, sends out a warning call. Luna hides her kits and rushes to confront the threat, only to discover that Striker has taken Timber's life. Filled with rage and determination, Luna vows to seek revenge and rallies her fellow arctic foxes to confront their adversaries, setting in motion a series of events that will test her strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

Sebastian M.

The Era of The Artic

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