Scraps | Teen Ink


June 11, 2024
By ruixichen, Singapore, Other
ruixichen, Singapore, Other
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Mina, a teenager living in dystopic conditions with her best friend, Rayyan, and her father, struggles to find food and water to last the school day. The impacts of food loss and climate change have been felt, with water becoming more and more scarce and food taking on a shrivelled, stagnant quality. 

The island nation is desolate and impoverished with the exception of the "City", a faraway town housing the wealthiest and richest, known as the Opulent. In these times, they are also the only ones with access to freshly grown fruits and vegetables, as well as sufficient drinking water. 

What happens when Mina finally meets an Opulent, and gains an acute awareness of her situation? 

Ruixi C.


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