the heartbeakers | Teen Ink

the heartbeakers

March 10, 2021
By Rukia123, Brier, Other
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Rukia123, Brier, Other
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Author's note:

for me i love this book 

The author's comments:

I love this chapter 

                                   Chapter 1

                              the baby arrival 

Stella was in the hospital with her sister and Stella’s sister has cancer. Stella's boyfriend Oliver perry. Oliver was on his way to the hospital and he was so worried about Stella because because she was pregnant and Oliver was the one responsible for her getting pregnant and so during the pandemic oliver was super scared because he was worried that she might get covid and he did not want to have to see her from afar. Stella called Oliver and he was super scared an d was almost speeding and speechless and so when Stella called him he was at work and he said 

“Hey baby how are you? You sound like you are panicking,” Oliver said with a worried sound in his voice.

“I am not fine I will not stop throwing up” Stella explained 

Oliver has a scared look on his face 

“ What do you want me to do?” Oliver asked 

“ I do not know” stella told him

So Stella went into her bosses office and knocked on the door 

“Paul?” she asked 

“Yess stella what is up and I also need to talk to you” Paul said 

“ Well Oliver texted me and said that you might be having contractions and said that the baby was coming soon and that you needed to go on maternity leave” paul said

“Is that correct?” paul asked 

“Yes that is correct and that is was I wanted to talk to you about Oliver is coming to get me so I can go lay down and get rest” Stella explained 

Paul let Stella go on maternity leave and so Stella texted Oliver and told him that Paul had let her go on maternity leave and then asked him why he texted Paul and told him that she was having the contractions and that the baby was coming soon. As soon as she sent the message to Oliver, JJ texted Stella and congratulating her about the baby but she did not tell anyone besides Oliver and so she asked how he knew how he knew that she was pregnant and she was also surprised he was congratulating her because she thought she would be mad that she was having a baby and the father was not him because she knew he loved her a lot . 

 “Hey JJ how are you doing?” stella asked as she texted JJ

JJ was at his house and when he hears her text tone and rushed to his phone because  he was so stressed about Stella’s baby because he was gonna be a uncle and maybe a god dad so he is trying to help Oliver with the baby because JJ knew that Oliver was responsible but he also was not ready for a new thing in his life besides stella and JJ knew as hell his friend was not in a good spot right now. After JJ runs to his phone to see what Stella said he calls her because he knew it would be better if he talked to her over the phone.

“Hey JJ how is it going?” Stella asks when she answers the phone 

“ It is going okay but the question that is really important right now is how are you doing” JJ asks stella 

“ I am doing fine just in pain and waiting for oliver to get to my work to pick me up and take me home” stella explains 

“ Oh well I am super close to your work. Do you want me to ask Oliver if he wants me to come get you and bring you over to my house and let you relax?”JJ asks 

“ Sure if that is not too much to ask.” stella tells him 

“It is not too much to ask because you are pregnant and Oliver is like a brother to me and so helping him and you out is all I can do in return for helping the band get back into order because you are gonna be like a sister to me soon when the baby comes.” JJ tells her 

As JJ texts Oliver to ask if he wants him to pick up Stella and bring her over to his house and let her lay down and he says yes and Oliver had totally forgotten that JJ was 2 blocks from Stella's work. So JJ texts Alec and the rest of the band and says Stella might be having the baby soon and all of a sudden Stella texts the whole band and says that her water broke so Oliver told JJ to hurry to get Stella to the hospital. So that he can meet her at the hospital because Oliver is the baby’s dad and even though Oliver and Stella have not found out what gender the baby is so they have not found the perfect name for the baby. When JJ got to Stella’s work he hurried to get Stella into the car and to the hospital because she was already having contractions.

“Here squeeze my hand” JJ says as he holds out his hand.

“No I do not want to hurt you and I do not want to make your hand purple” Stella says as she pushes his hand away.

When they arrive at the hospital Oliver and the band : JJ , Alex , Zander, Oliver and so when Stella arrived Oliver ran over to her to go with her to deliver the baby and oliver leans over and kisses  Stella on the forehead and says

“ I will be there in a minute. I need to talk to the band about something.” Oliver 

Oliver goes to talk to the band .

“Hey guys can I talk to you guys?” Oliver asks 

“Yes” all of them said at the same time 

“Can you guys go to mine and stella’s house and set up the baby’s room and get a cradle in our room because I totally forgot?” Oliver asks 

The band nods and then they leave. Oliver runs to the room Stella is in and the baby is already born and the baby is so cute and they finally find out the baby’s gender and the baby is a girl and so then the nurse gives name suggestions. 

 “ hey kuvi how are you doing?” JJ says as he comes in the room  

Oliver goes and whispers in his ear,

“ did you guys get the room done?” Oliver asks 

“ yeah and we made it pink because Kuvi texted me that the baby is a girl.” JJ says 

“Thank you so much I am so grateful that you did that.” Oliver says

“What are you guys whispering about over there?” Stella asks 

“Oh nothing”  Oliver says 

“Oh really?” Stella says with a glare in her eyes 

“ Okay fine I may have forgotten to get the baby’s room ready so I asked the band to do it because I was gonna be with you. Are you happy now.” Oliver says with annoyance in his voice.

“Oh stop it. I am the one who just had our child and you know that this means a lot to us and the band because we can tell the world that we just had a baby and it is so exciting!” Stella told him in a stern voice  

Oliver walks over to Stella and kisses her passionately.

“ I know but I did not want to tell you because I knew you would act like that.” Oliver explained. 

As he walked over to JJ and gave him a hug.

“Thank you bro you are the best!” Oliver thanks him. 

As he walked over to Stella and kissed her and said goodbye.

“I am gonna go see the room and you call me if you need anything or text the band.” Oliver told her.

The author's comments:

i love this chapter as well 

Oliver got the carseat in the car so he could get Stella and bring here home because today was the day that she was going to be coming home. When he got to the hospital he asked what room Stella was in and he was so happy to see the baby and Stella. They finally found out what the baby’s name was. It was Stephanie and they were so excited that the baby had come and JJ growled in disgust because he did not like all of the romance that they were doing. Oliver runs over and pushes the nurse out of his way so that he can push Stella to the car because he was her fiance and he loved her so much. After they got home JJ helps Oliver and Stella get settled in the house and shows Stella the baby's room. When Stella gasps at the room,

“Oh my god JJ I love it thank you so much!”Stella yells with excitement 

Once stella yells Oliver runs to see what was going on but when he got there there was nothing wrong and that made a big difference and so he syed in relief and then he pushed JJ out of the way and wheels stella to her bed so she can go lay down. Even though Stella was still in a wheelchair that does not mean that she can not take care of the baby and even though she feels bad that she is in a wheelchair she doesn't  think less of herself. After Oliver  wheels her into the bedroom he lays her on the bed and tells JJ to leave and he says goodbye and then leaves and then Oliver feels his phone vibrate and it is JJ and the band and then Oliver texts them lighting fast and the turns of his phone. 

 “Is everything okay?” Stella asks.

“Yeah everything is fine.JJ just wanted to see what pizza I wanted. Well that I know me and you would eat because I did not want to bug you while the baby is sleeping.” Oliver whispers 

Stella feels her phone vibrate and it is Zander and then Stella is texting lightning quick. 

“Everything ok Stella?” Oliver asks 

“Yeah it is just Zander.” Stella explained 

 Oliver lays down with Stella and then he kisses her passionately and then Stella’s phone vibrates and it is Zander again and Oliver feels her phone vibrate and then he grabs it and texts for her and sees what she was sending him. The only thing that they were talking about was Zander asking if he could come see Stephine and Stella told him no because she was lying with Oliver. At that moment Oliver calls Zander and the band and tells them all that he and Stella are taking a few days off because Stephanie was just born and they need some time with each other and also to show the family Stephine. The family has not seen Stephine yet so Oliver and Stella are talking about taking two weeks off from the band to go see family. It makes Stella very worried that they are going to be flying.
“ Can we not go on to the plane and have everyone come to the house?” Stella asks.

“ What are you so worried about Kuvi?” Oliver asks 

Stella shrugs and then falls asleep

Oliver leans over to rub her back and to comfort her and eventually he falls asleep. They wake up to the sound of Stephanie crying and then Stella rolls over and kisses Oliver and then feeds Stephanie and then falls back asleep  and then wakes up at 5:00 in the morning because of Stephanie and then she feeds Stephanie and the falls back asleep and then Oliver leans over and hugs Stella and then Gets up and puts Stephanie in the bassant because he wants to cuddle Stella without having to be careful of Stephanie. 

“Hi baby! How are you doing.”Oliver says 

“Hi baby.” stella says 

After they talk for a bit, Stella lays down and then Oliver nuzzles Stella.

 “Wanna go watch a movie?”Oliver askes 

“Maybe in a few hours. Okay” Stella responds 

“Okay.” Oliver agrees 

After they lay down and cuddle together and then it has been a few hours and it is not 8:00 in the morning. Stella shakes Oliver to wake him up so they can go watch a movie. Oliver helps her into her wheelchair and then they go in to Stephanie’s room to see if she is still asleep and she is not so Stella grabs Stephanie and then they go to the living room and Oliver turns on the TV so that they can watch netflix and they picks a show and then they decide watch the resident and Stella texts the band and asks if they wanted to come meet Stephanie and the band said sure and also they said that they will be their in like 10-15 minutes. 

“The band is gonna come over soon.” Stella says 

“UGGGGHHHHH why didn’t you ask me first.” Oliver explains 

“Because I want them to meet Stephanie.” Stella explained

After they argue for a few minutes they continue  watching the resident. 

The author's comments:

I love this chapter as well

When the band comes over  

Oliver hears a knock on the door and goes to answer the door and then he sees Stella wheeling over as fast as she could because she wanted to see who was at the door.So she hurries to open the door because she knows JJ is gonna be the first one that arrives.  She opens the front door with disappointment because it is Zander who is at the door and then she gasps. She welcomes Zander inside.

“Do you want to hold Stephanie?” she asked Zander 

Oliver glares at Zander because he does not want him to touch Stella.

“No thanks I am good for now maybe later.” Zander replies. 

A few hours pass and then Stella hears a knock on the door and so she goes to answer it and it was JJ. 

“Hey Kuvi how are you?” JJ asks. 

“I am doing fine but do not use that nickname when Oliver is around.” stella whispers  

“because I do not want Oliver yelling at you because you are flirting with me.” Stella says 

Stella wheels  into the room that Oliver and Zander are in.

“Hey guys look who’s here.” Stella says.

After she brings JJ into the room she hears her phone ring and she goes and answers it.

“Hello.” Stella says 

“Hello” Cara says crying 

“Oh my god what is wrong cara” Stella says in worry 

“Mom fell down the stairs and she will not stop screaming and yelling” Cara says with a scared sound in her voice. 

“Do I need to come home and help you” Stella asked 

“No I called dad and he is on his way and I also called Drew and he is on his way too.” Cara told Stella. 

After Cara talks to Stella for a  few more minutes and then hangs up the phone and Stella wheels into the kitchen. 

“ Hey bae who was that who called you?” Oliver asked 

“It was Cara.” Stella responds. 

“What did she want.” Oliver asked 

“She told me that my mom fell down the stairs and that she called Drew and my dad and they are on the way.” Stella told him 

 “Is your mom okay? Do we need to go over to your house and help your mom?” Oliver asked with worry in his voice.

“No, like I told you my  dad and Drew are on their way to cara.” Stella explained 

After she and Oliver talk about it for a few more minutes and then Stella and Oliver both hear a knock on the door and then Stella goes to answer the door and it is Alex. 

“Hey Alex how are you doing?” Stella asked 

“I am doing fine, how are you?” Alex as he hugs Stella.

“ I am doing fine just in a lot of pain after the delivery and I have not told Oliver because you know how he gets when I say I am in pain and with Stephanie it will be a total mess. You know what I mean.” Stella  explained 

“Yeah I do know what you mean he is super protective of you” Alex agreed 

Oliver walks in the room in shock and then wheels Stella into their bedroom to talk to Stella.

“ Why didn’t you tell me you were in pain?” Oliver asks 

“Because I know that you are so protective of me and I know with Stephanie here it would be a total mess and I do not want that to happen.” Stella assures him 

“Still I need to know how you are feeling so I can know how to help you.”Oliver scolds her 

“Oh my god why do you have to scold me about it? I did nothing wrong. I am trying to get you to be less protective of me and I do not like it when you have to drive me places because I can drive myself and I do not need a bodyguard. Okay Oliver?” Stella confessed 

After they argue for a little bit longer, Stella opens the door and goes to the baby’s room to see if Steapine is ok and she was fine just asleep in her crib. So Stella whent to go talk to Zander and JJ and asked Oliver to talk a breather because she knew that he was agitated and that he needed a breather so he went and drove to his friend Peter's house and knocked on the door. Peter answered the door and Lara Jean was with peter. 

“Do you guys want me to come back later?” Oliver asked 

“Oh no sorry Lara Jean moved in with me.” Peter told Oliver 

“Oh. Sorry for coming on your doorstep without notice.” Oliver said with an apologetic tone in his voice.

“Oh no worries me and Lara Jean were just making dinner. We were gonna ask you and Stella if you guys wanted to come over for dinner. Speaking of stella where is she?” Peter asked 

“Oh she is at home and told me to take a breather which is super annoying because she is not my counselor.” Oliver told peter 

 After Peter and Oliver talk for a few minutes Peter welcomes Oliver inside when Oliver feels his phone vibrate and it was Stella saying that she fell down the stairs trying to go to the bathroom and that JJ and Zander were helping her. After they ate dinner Oliver said goodbye and then when he got in his car he hears stella’s ringtone come from his phone and then he answers it and stella is panicing.

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