Powerless | Teen Ink


January 8, 2018
By Turbo223 SILVER, Lancaster, Wisconsin
Turbo223 SILVER, Lancaster, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
Is there a way to escape something unescapable?


Brendan and Mary were two seperate people in two seperate lives. They didn't know of eachother at all until the power went out completely. Both of them were approached by men in black, their gimmick read government officials, however nothing felt right. Their neighborhoods were being evacuated completely and smoke was rising from the far side of the city, screams echoed through the city as a force of unknown size or origin flowed through the city, leaving no one alive. They meet at Group #3's shack, along with a small handful of teenagers who pay neither of them much attention. As they meet, they feel a connection spark between them. Both have no one in their lives, both don't want to see anyone alone.

Brendan T.


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