The Queen's Journey (Part 1) | Teen Ink

The Queen's Journey (Part 1)

January 5, 2020
By somewriter123, N/a, New Jersey
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somewriter123, N/a, New Jersey
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Author's note:

Hope you enjoy :)

“Allona,” my father called me. “We need to talk.” Suddenly, all of the bad things I had done in the past popped up in my head. Did he find out about the time I broke the ancient china and blamed it on Miles? Or the time I had skipped horse riding practice in exchange to secretly hang out with Rina? Oh gosh, if he found out about the- 

“Oh, you’re not in trouble. Wipe off that horrid expression off your face,” my mother said, interrupting my chains of thought. I shook my head and relief splashed me like a wave. With that, I walked over to King Reynold, my father. 

“Allona, you are now sixteen years of age. It is time for you to set out for-” I closed my eyes as worry flooded me again. “-the gem of Ayona, the Air Kingdom. I believe you will do well- your trainers have told me you have gotten great control over your powers.” He locked eyes with me. “You will be just fine- just make sure not to dilly dally and focus on your task at hand. Your mother and I have faith in you.” I walked over him and went on one knee. Using his staff, he placed it gently on my head- a form of blessing. 

“You must get your bags ready for this journey of yours,” Queen Ashona, my mother, told me. “You are to return back after four moons and three suns.” Whose idea was to force the children of the royal family to search for some magical gem and find it after four nights?! There’s no way- I took a deep breath. No, that thinking won’t get me anywhere. I just need to believe in myself, I thought. I remember making a checklist for this very day to come. I searched through my sleeping quarters and through the chambers surrounding it, but it was nowhere to be found. “Are you looking for this?” I turned around to see mother holding the sheet of paper. What sort of magic did she have that could find things that I never could? She should set out for this mission, not me! 

I forced a smile. “Thank you, mother.” I took the paper from her and scanned it. My eyes widened bigger than father’s crown.  This list was redundant! I had only written three things on it- the map of Ayona, water and food! I rolled my eyes. I was such a fool back then- well two years from now, but still. I crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it off to the side. My mother tossed me a disdainful look. I suppressed a groan and walked over to the dustbin to throw it away. Sometimes I couldn’t stand being part of royalty. 

Walking to my bedroom, I pondered for what I could add to my new list. I grabbed a feather and some ink and sat down. I wrote what I had originally written before, but I knew I needed more. Aha! I thought. I should also pack a notepad, feather, and ink to write down things I need to remember. I looked at the map of the Ayona written on my list. I was about to cross it off, but thought better of it. Instead, I added map of Alpecia, it was the name of this entire island consisting the Kingdoms of Water, Fire, and Air. You never know- the gem could be hidden in a different kingdom. I looked at my list and slapped my forehead. Of course! How could I be so stupid? Healing ointments! I wrote that down, along with food for Sandie, a pocket watch, and money. After that, I went to gather all the items. When I did so, I realized that I needed a bag to put the items into. 

I am starting to think that I shouldn’t go on this journey. 

My little brother, Ailo, might do better than me- and he’s six years old! I searched for my bag and found it underneath my bed. Before leaving the room, I saw what a mess I had made. I sighed. Oh well, better leave that for the maid- I’ve got a quest to go on! I don’t have time for that! 

I got my bag and a light coat, said farewell to my parents, and got my horse Sandie and rode off to. . .


I stopped before I could even start. I put Sandie to a halt and just let reality sink in on me. I looked up at the sky and saw the stars winking at me. One of them was shining very brightly, and for a second there I thought it was the gem. Then I shook my head, realizing it was just the Oyster. I learned about it during class once. No matter where you were, you could see the Oyster, the most vibrant star at night. I took out the map of the Kingdom of Air from my bag and thought for a moment. I remember doing some research about where other members of the royal family had searched for the gem. Each year was the same result- no one could find the gem- and that too was from each kingdom! I realized that every person had searched up high in the sky for the gem, but wait if it wasn’t up there at all? What if that evil witch Cassandra had put the gem somewhere deep into the ground instead? It could be worth a shot, but how the heck was I supposed to search for it then? Dig holes in the ground? I had three days and four nights to do this- I should waste them by digging holes? 

Sandie fell asleep already. I thought about waking her up, but she did need good rest for our mission- she was to dig the holes anyway. I pat her gently on the forehead, and pushed away her mane from her eyes. I looked at the map again and searched for areas of ground that we could dig in- there were at least five of them. One was near the bridge, there was the cornfields where the farmers worked, the areas surrounding the palace, the- 

Wait, the areas surrounding the palace? 

The gem could be hidden underneath the palace! I decided to write that down along with other possible suspects in my notepad with my ink and feather. 

I had at least eight areas to look for. 

Five of them were areas of Ayona that had open ground, and the other three were, well the other kingdoms. I felt angry tears threaten to pour out. This. Was. Hopeless. 

I shook Sandie and woke her up. I felt awful doing so, but it was either now or never. I decided to head to the palace first and have her dig there. We were about to head off, until I heard a thud behind me. I jumped off of Sadie and turned around. Oh how I wish that I brought a weapon to threaten with! But, there was no need for that. Behind me was a short boy who had fallen off his horse. I couldn’t help but smile. I walked over to him. 

“Hi there, I’m Allona, princess of Ayona.” I offered him my hand. “And you must be?” He looked at my hand, looked to the ground, then grasped my hand. 

“F-fiѐre,” he muttered, still not meeting my eyes. “Of the Fire Kingdom.” I studied his outfit- it was already dirty. He slowly rose to his feet and dusted off his pants. Fiѐre looked a bit flustered, and so I decided to converse with him. 

“Did you just leave your palace today? Or-” 

“Yes, my parents told me that I only have four days and three nights to finish this. Er, sorry, three days and four nights.” He shook his head. 

“Come to think of it, excuse me if this may come out rude, but aren’t you supposed to be in your kingdom at the moment?” Fiѐre threw me a puzzled look. 

“Don’t tell me this isn’t Filo!” he exclaimed. I shook my head somberly. He sighed, sat down, and rested his head against his horse. His horse neighed and moved a few inches away from him along with a “hmph!” Fiѐre sighed once more. I sat down next to him. 

“Hey,” I told him, attempting a smile. “This isn’t as hopeless as you think it is.” He shot me this you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me look. 

“You sound like you’re saying that to yourself.” As much as I hate to admit it, he’s right. I decided to share my thoughts regarding the mission- maybe that way both of us could get some ideas. A little help shouldn’t hurt anyone. As I was talking, however, he fell asleep on my shoulder. I looked around me and both horses were asleep as well. 

Might as well catch some rest. I closed my eyes and let the night carry on. 



I woke up and saw Fiѐre go on his horse. 

“Go on Tyrone!” he yelled, rather harshly. Tyrone refused to move. I walked over to him. 

“Horse problems, huh? Let me show you how it’s done.” 

“No,” he brushed me off firmly. “I need to figure things on my own- I’m already fifteen. I already wasted yesterday night- I can’t afford to lose more time and I won’t!” He kicked the side of his horse. “Onward!” His horse shook him off and Fiѐre fell down. He walked over to me. “How much?” 


“How much do you need from me so that you will teach me to ride my horse.” He looked through a small pouch. “I don’t have much-” 

“Oh, I don’t need money, silly,” I told him. “Giving a few tips about training your horse shouldn’t cost anything in the first place.” Although I’m a bit surprised- didn’t he learn these things back at his palace? Out of my bag, I pulled out some leaves and handed it over to Fiѐre. “Try this- hold some leaves and feed some to Tyrone. Once he eats them, gently pat his head. Try talking to him as well- the tone of your voice is important.” Fiѐre nods and gets the leaves out of my hand. Reluctantly, he approached Tyrone, taking steps towards him. Tyrone proceeded to take steps back. 

“Just stand still and hold the leaves- this requires patience,” I told Fiѐre. He stood still and stuck out the leaves. Tyrone stopped moving back and stopped for a moment. He slowly walked towards Fiѐre and chomped on the leaves. Fiѐre awkwardly kept his hand out, then gently pats Tyrone. 

“I-I’m-” Fiѐre coughed and shook his head. “I’m Fiѐre, prince of Filo. I apologize for treating you harshly and ask for forgiveness.” After chomping, Tyrone looked at him, then rubbed his cheek against Fiѐre’s.  

“Neigh!” he exclaimed. 

“Aw!” I said. Fiѐre’s small smile faded away suddenly. “Oh, loosen up a bit would ya? We’re friends now, aren’t we?” He looked at me, and made eye contact with me for the first time. 

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Fiѐre gave an awkward smile and I smiled back at him. 

After what seemed like forever, but took three hours, Fiѐre managed the basics- getting your horse to actually listen to you, directions, and maintaining balance on the horse. The tricky part- increasing/decreasing speed and getting your horse to stop in time. 

The first time he tried that, let’s just say it didn’t go well. Tyrone bumped into a tree and Fiѐre fell off- again. I was on the verge of bursting out in laughter, but Fiѐre shot me this look. He gets flustered so easily and gives up easily too. I keep motivating him to do his best, but instead of smiling, his expression gets stiff, and he tries again. I don’t understand why that happens, and I want to stop motivating him, but if I do, he might not try again. 

I glanced at my pocket watch- it was five hours into the day already! 

“Oh gosh, time is running out so fast. . .” I muttered to myself. I noticed Fiѐre staring at me, a wave of guilt splashing in his eyes. Before I could say anything, he spoke. 

“I-I’m sorry for making you do this. I want to stop, but not only do I not want to disappoint my parents- I don’t want to disappoint you either. I mean, you keep motivating me- that has to mean you want me to keep doing this and get it right. So, I’m sorry for wasting your time, but I’m trying my best,” he said. In realization of what he just said, he looked away and directed Tyrone to turn the other way. I couldn’t help but chuckle. 

“You’re kinda cute, you know?” 

“W-what?” Fiѐre said, ears reddening. Oh whoops, I hate it when words slip out of my mouth. I cleared my throat. Maybe I should try being more strict towards him. And so, I did. 

I think it worked, for after a solid twenty minutes, he got all the concepts down. I made him go through them all, just in case, and he performed them all wonderfully. I clapped my hands for a bit. 

“Great work! I knew you could do it!” I cheered. 

A moment of silence dawned over us. 

“W-well, I guess I should head off.” Fiѐre got his small pouch and pulled out a few coins. “I-I’m not sure how to thank you or repay you, so here, take it.” 

“But I-” 

“Please do,” he pleaded. “And thank you for everything.” He locked his dark chocolate eyes with mine once again, before getting on his horse. 

“Wait! Fiѐre, wait!” I exclaimed. “I want to work together.” 

“Huh?” He looked at me as if I had grown a third eye. “Together?” 

“W-well, no one said we couldn’t. Besides, don’t you think we’d get somewhere if we worked as a team? I was thinking we could even work with the other two- Prince Ethan of the Kingdom of Earth and Princess Willow of Water.” I started to subconsciously tell him what I was thinking- how the gems could be in different kingdoms, how we could use each other’s powers to help one another, how we literally have no clue of where the gems could be, and etc. “Ah, I’m blabbering on, aren’t I? My apologies.” Fiѐre sighed. 

“You were the one who told me to ‘loosen up a bit,’ remember? Enough of your formal language.” 

“Oh yeah, I’m just so used to of it. Sorry about that.” 

“Also, you’re not blabbering nonsense- what you’re saying does make sense. Although, how the heck are we supposed to work with Prince Willow and Princess-” 

“Princess Willow and Prince Ethan,” I corrected. 

“-r-right, those two, if we don’t know where they are? They could be anywhere!” Now it was my turn to sigh. I felt like ripping the map of Ayona in half. Fiѐre made a noise and sat down. “Ugh! We’ve- sorry, I already wasted so much time. . .how are we supposed to find them in time?” 

“Let’s sit down and think for ideas-” 

“No! No, Allona, no. I’m sorry but I’m feeling restless. I’ve got it- you go to the Kingdom of Water, I’ll go to the other kingdom. We’ll meet back here at exactly ten hours into the night- got it?” 

“Are you sure?” 

“Positive.” His face said otherwise, but I couldn’t blame him. 

“Alright. See you at ten,” I said. He nodded, got on his horse, and rode off. 

At about eight hours into the evening, I stopped riding Sandie. Poor horse must be tired. I looked through my bag- blast it, I’m out of leaves! I have enough money to buy food for the both of us, so I decided to stop by at a local shop. When I entered it, someone bumped into me. 

“S-sorry,” she muttered. Her long, blue streaked hair made me stop in my tracks. 

It was Princess Willow! 

“P-princess Willow!” I turned around and the door met my face. I rubbed my nose. She looked like she was in quite a rush, but I had to stop her! I opened the door and chased after her. Once I was close enough, I shouted her name. Willow turned around. 

“W-what? What do you want, can’t you see I’m-” she paused. “A-are you Princess Allona by any chance?” I nodded, beaming. 

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Princess Willow of the Water Kingdom.” 

“To you as well,” she said. “So, what business do you have with me? I’m a little short on time-” 

“I’d like you to work with me and Prince Fiѐre of the Fire Kingdom.” 

“Excuse me, what?” 

“I would really want us to join forces to help each other find each kingdom’s gem- this isn’t a race after all. Besides-” 

“No,” she brushed me off. Her bright blue eyes suddenly looked darker. “I-I can’t do so- I can’t afford to lose more time.” Oh gosh, what was it with these people and time! Why don’t they understand if we just work together-

“-we can do it! All of us can, if we just work together, as a team. Like I was trying to say earlier, this mission seems impossible if one person does it!” She looked at me, conflicted. “You look worried, are you-” 

“No I am not! I am not ok! This mission is a burden on my shoulders! I feel like. . .I feel like my whole kingdom will be at stake if I don’t get this gem!” 

Let me explain real quick- our gems helped keep our kingdoms in good condition and fought off disasters. Without them, each kingdom faces problems: The Kingdom of Air- uncontrollable tornadoes took place, the Fire Kingdom- fires increasing at un awfully fast pace, the Kingdom of Earth/Land- the plants were dying, and the Water Kingdom- hurricanes and floods drowned the townspeople. Lucky for us, the royal bloodline contains the magical powers of their kingdoms- making us able to stop the majority of the chaos. Unfortunately, no one knows how much longer we could keep this up- stopping the chaos takes a big toll on the royal family. 

I opened my mouth, but I was unable to think of anything to comfort her with. She looked at me in the eye. 

“S-sorry, I’ll be going then.” Princess Willow ran off. 

I ran after her once more. 

I know I had to get food for me and Sandie, I know time was at stake, I know that she still might not agree, I know. But, I still want to try. I need the satisfaction that I tried my best- otherwise guilt will haunt me. 


“Stop chasing me! You are wasting your own time! So why. . .?” 

“Why? Because, let us all face it, we are going through the same thing, but in different places. The same mission with the same time period with the same. . .situation. So, why don’t we help each other out? Please, can we just try?” 

Willow stopped in her steps and didn’t say anything. 

I went towards her. “P-princess Willow?” 

Tears streamed down her face. “D-don’t look at me!” She quickly wiped them off her silky red cloak. “I’ve decided. . .I’ll go with you and the prince after all- there’s no guarantee that I would have succeeded in this mission anyway.” Those words made my blood boil. 

“So. . .so you’re saying that you’re only joining us because you have accepted defeat?! Because you have given up?!” I went in front of Willow and stared into her sapphire eyes. “How dare you! This is only day one! Why are you losing hope already? I am trying to feed you hope! I want not just me, but all of us to succeed gosh darn it!” I took a deep breath in and out. “None of us want to fail, and we don’t have to, ok?” I yelled. She stared at me, speechless. “I would rather you not join me and Prince Fiѐre than lose hope on you and this mission. You have the potential to do this, Princess Willow.” When she still didn’t speak, panic started attacking me. 

“I,” she hesitated. “I’m not sure what to say. . .” Just spit it out! I thought. “Fine, I’ll join you two-” A chorus of cheers sang in my head. “-on one condition.” What? “If I change my mind, you two will allow me to leave the team- got it?” As much as I hated that condition, we needed her on this team. 

“Fine then, I agree,” I stuck out my hand and she shook it. I beamed and looked at my pocket watch- 8 hours and forty-six minutes, huh? Enough for me. 

“A-actually, if you don’t mind, I need to buy food for me and my horse.” 

“Alright, carry on then, be quick. You seem like the type of person who would actually have a conversation with the cashier.” 

“Is-is that a bad thing?” I asked. 

“Tch.” Tch?! I thought. W-whatever. I turned around and went inside the shop. Buying what I needed, I thanked the cashier, and headed back out. Princess Willow was standing right outside, continuously tapping her foot against the ground. 

“Could you come over here for a sec?” I asked her. She reluctantly nodded and followed me over to Sandie. I fed her the leaves, which she generously ate, and gave half of my sandwich to Princess Willow. “Here you go, thanks for joining the team.” I smiled. “That’s my horse Sandie, by the way. She’s been my friend since I was five.” 

“That’s nice,” was all Willow said. 

“Well, where’s your horse?” 

“Oh, I made him stand near the kingdom’s fountain,” then she added, “o-oh yeah, his name is Redge.” 

“That’s cool.” I took a big bite out of my sandwich. “You know, it’s nice to be outta the castle once in a while. I’m tired of all those princess rules and being polite and-”

“-talking after you finished chewing?” 

“Oh, r-right,” I said, shutting up and chewing. Willow looked up at the sky and smiled. What’s she smiling about? I asked myself. I looked up and saw the sky in different shades of blue. I didn’t see what there was to be so happy about. 

“I-I can’t believe I’m seeing this for the first time, in person,” she thought out loud. “Don’t you think how cool it is that each of us, in totally different palaces, see the same sky? Our kingdoms face different chaos everyday, yet see the same color patterns high above- it makes us realize that we’re not so different after all, right?” I didn’t know if she was talking to me or not, but I couldn’t shut up for a moment longer. 

“Wow, I had never really thought about it like that,” I said at last. She jumped as if she didn’t know I was there. That hurt me a little, but I shrugged it off. “Oh, s-sorry if I interrupted your moment.”

“No, it’s fine. Besides, it’s nice to have someone to talk to once in a while.” She smiled at me. “Mother and father are always so busy with work and I don’t have any siblings.” 

“Oh really? Lucky! Sometimes, my little brother Ailo, can get on my nerves.” Talking about him now, I realized how much I miss him, even though we’ve been apart for just one day. 

“Hey, what’s up? You look upset.” Willow’s eyes widened.

“O-oh, nothing much!” I lied, and quickly got up, glancing at my left arm. “Ah, look at the time! We should head back!” 

“You’re not wearing a watch,” Willow pointed out. 

“Y-you’re right,” I said, taking out my pocket watch. “Well, it’s still late.” Willow nodded, heading over to the fountain. I stood in silence and waited for her. I checked to see if Sandie was awake- she was, fortunately. I pat her cheek. “Thanks for everything, Sandie. You’ve been my best friend since the very beginning- thanks for being there when I need it.” She rubbed my cheek with her muzzle and I smiled. If anything were to happen to her. . .I don’t know what I’d do. She was there even before Ailo was.  

“Alright, I’ve got Redge,” Willow said. “Lead the way, Allona- er, sorry, Princess Allona.” 

“No, you can just call me Allona, Willow,” I replied. That made her cover her mouth and look the other way. “What’s up?” 

“Oh, nothing, carry on,” she managed, nonchalantly. Then it hit me- was this her first time being addressed as just Willow? She’s never had a friend before? I wondered. Well, I guess I can be her first one. 


I took out my pocket watch out again- it was nine hours into the night. Does this mean I have to wait an hour for Fiѐre to return? Willow and I aren’t so close. . . Maybe I should take this opportunity for us to become closer. 

“So. . .found a love interest yet?” As soon as those words escaped my mouth, instant regret broke in. Not again! 

“Um. . .well, er. . .” her voice trailed off. 

“Oh sorry about that, my curiosity got in the way, he he.”

“Actually there is one. . .” Woah, I did not see that coming. “He’s-” 

“Handsome? Mysterious? Quirky?” I guessed. 

“No, but-” 

“Ah! I got it! He’s those cool ones right?” 

“Well. . .in a way. . .” 

“So I was right? I knew-” 

“Would you let me talk for Widow’s sake!” 

“Oh sorry.” She rolled her eyes at me. 

“Honestly, Ayonans are so annoying. . .” I didn’t let that slide. 

“Just because I’m annoying doesn’t mean other Ayonans are,” I muttered. 

“Right, whatever. As I was saying, he’s one of the maids- well, he works with them. You could say he’s like a mini-butler, I guess? Anyway, he’s really nice, sweet, and patient-”


“-and doesn’t interrupt me when I’m speaking.” 

“I-I can’t help it!” 

“I know.” Willow smirked. “I was just teasing you.” 

“I didn’t know you were capable of that,” I said. 

“Why you little-” 

“Ah ah ah! Language princess.” 

“You- you’re so. . .ugh!” 

“So I’m an ugh in your eyes?” 

“Oh shut it,” Willow said. I couldn’t help but laugh. 

“Sorry, you’re just fun to tease.” 

“Hmph.” She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I suppose you don’t have one?” 

“Have what?” 

“A special someone. . .a love interest?” 

“Oh yeah, that.” I totally forgot what we were talking about before for a minute. “Well, I don’t know if I really do, but-” 

“Hey Allona,” Fiѐre greeted. “Oh, and greetings Princess, uh-” 

“Willow- Princess Willow of Widow, nice to meet you, prince.” She gave a slight curtsy, while Fiѐre bowed. 

“I can’t help but be a little offended,” I but in. “You guys greet each other so nicely with formality and all, and with me you’re just like- ‘I’m F-fiѐre. . .of the Fire Kingdom’ and when I said it was nice to meet you, you say, ‘to you as well?’” 

“W-well. . .” Fiѐre began, then shook his head. “Enough of that- I have bad news.” 

“Oh gosh, what is it?” Willow asked.

“Um. . .I-I couldn’t find Prince Ethan. . .” Fiѐre looked down. “Sorry.” I said it was fine, buy Willow looked like she got a heart attack. Fiѐre cringed at her reaction. “If you two are up to it, we could try again- I could use some help after all, since-” 

“-you don’t know how to socialize with people? Yeah, could tell,” I said. 

“N-no! I mean yes, but no! I-” Willow sighed. 

“Just ignore Allona- and yes, I’d like to accompany you.” 

“Why thank you, Willow,” Fiѐre said. “What about you, Allona?” 

“I’m not gonna be here all alone! I’ll go along too, we’re a team, after all.” I beamed at them. 

“Alright, let’s go,” Fiѐre said. 

“I was thinking we should ask the local townsfolk where they saw Prince Ethan the last time they saw him,” I suggested. Willow and Fiѐre nodded. When we arrived the Earth Kingdom, chaos had taken over. People were screaming. Kids were running all over the place. Babies were crying. An earthquake had taken place. I had never seen chaos plummet another kingdom before in person, so I was in quite a shock- we had to get to shelter! 

Suddenly, a jet-black haired boy came- a golden chain around his neck, indicating his wealth. 

“Stand back everyone!” his voice boomed. The boy placed his knee on the ground and 

one knee up, while a bright green aura surrounded his entire body. His hair was flying too, and his eyes were shut tightly as if in deep concentration. After five minutes, the ground stopped shaking. I still felt dizzy, and almost fell sideways- but Willow caught me just in time. “You are all safe now! I know, you can thank me later. I have a notepad, ink, and feather for autographs!” 

“Prince Ethan!” yelled a voice. So that’s who the boy is, I thought, looking up towards the voice. It was the King of the Earth Kingdom. “How many times have I told you to leave the chaos to us?!” 

“About. . .I don’t know actually.” Prince Ethan shifted his posture. “But shouldn’t you be proud that I had stopped in the first place? That’s something not everyone can do.” 

“Yes we are very proud, but don’t do it again- we don’t want you getting hurt,” said the queen. The doors of the window shut behind them and Prince Ethan sighed and shook his head. We caught his attention as he walked towards us. 

“What on Earth were you doing? You should be thankful for such a great prince like myself saved you from such a tragic earthquake!” 

Great. Just great. I’m with Princess I-have-no-patience, Prince I-get-flustered-too-easily, and now Prince my-ego-is-bigger-than-the-Earth. I forced a smile. 

“That was an incredible. . .performance,” I started. “You have such potential! Have you found your gem yet?” That question made Ethan’s wide grin shrink a bit. 

“Well, I didn’t yet, but I’m quite sure the three of you haven’t either.” He looked down on us as if we were pests. I stood up a little taller and walked closer to him. 

“Well Mr. Prince Ego,” I said, maintaining my smile. “Are you willing to join us so that we can all find our gems?” 

“Hmm, I think I’ll pass. Besides, I wouldn’t want you guys getting in my way when retrieving the-” 

“I’ve had it with you!” Willow screamed. “You know what?! You and that blasted ego of yours can stay right here. But don’t come crying to us when we find our gems and you don’t find yours. Alright, princey?” Mr. Prince Ego blinked twice and broke into another grin- but this time it was different. It was more subtle. His expression softened too. 

“Hi there, and you must be?” Oh I get it, he’s crushing on her, isn’t he? I mean come on, he even made his voice deeper too. 

“Willow- but that’s Princess Willow to you,” Willow snapped. “Now, either you ditch your ego and join the team or you and your ego can stay right here. Either decision probably wouldn’t affect the team, but since I’m nice, I’ll still give you this offer.” I internally sighed. 

“Actually, I think I’ve changed my mind- I’ll join you, princess.” He fell to one knee and was about to kiss Willow’s hand, but Willow poked him in the eyes instead. “Ow!” 

“Refrain yourself princey, we have a mission to carry forth,” Willow said. “Alright, let’s go guys.” 

“Go. . .where exactly?”  asked Fiѐre.

“Fiѐre’s got a point,” I said. “We should stay here and come up with some sort of plan.” 

“Plan? Plan! I thought you two came up with one already!” Willow cried. 

“Well since we’re a team, we should come up with a plan together, right Fiѐre?” I looked at him. He nodded. 

“Actually, I think I’ve got one.”

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