The return of the LakeAshes | Teen Ink

The return of the LakeAshes

January 6, 2021
By Just_being_me, Moorhead, Minnesota
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Just_being_me, Moorhead, Minnesota
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Favorite Quote:
"We all have plums on our backs but we don't see the ones on our own backs and so every time we see someone else's plum we say oh how I wish I had a plum on my back as do darling you do! you just don't see but I do!" - Tohru from fruits basket

The night of Celen LakeAshes coronation on June 23rd in 2257, A million Anastasian soldiers marched into Avalnada while the kingdom was in celebration state and slaughtered their way to the royal palace in means to wipe out the royal family: The lakeAshes.
They were lead by Samuien Crimson. The king of Anastasia and a LakeAsh by marriage. His intentions? Kill the LakeAsh family and steal their kingdom along with the hidden technology they had. Samantha LakeAsh mother of Celen and the other LakeAshes was killed along with Celen and her brothers, sisters, and anyone else related to the LakeAshes by marriage. Samantha was the great queen for a reason. She was powerful like none other. Using the technology and power she had she made sure to get all her grandchildren out before they were slaughtered too. There was only one child that was missing and since then never found: Lilith LakeAsh the 4-year-old daughter of Celen. Now 12 years later Samuien Crimson sits on the Avalnadian and Anastasian throne and rules over both lands. In the past, the four major kingdoms of The dreamer world had respected Queen Samantha for her kind heart and stern ruling yet now they respect Samuien Crimson out of fear and fright.

Elise looked around at the buzzing market, She hopped down from the roof of a house she was standing atop. Casually walking out of the market and into the woods near she was sure no one had seen her. Clad in all black she could easily hide in the shadows. she made her way through the secret path in the dark woods and came upon the place she knew so well: Home. Being the only girl in a society of men was nerve-racking at first but as she grew up in this place she came to know that her friends and family and everyone else here loved her for who she was. She caught sight of Phantom her father and made her way over to him. She didn't know who her mother was and she never really gave it much thought. She was raised as a shadow and she was raised in this place. This was her home. As she approached Phantom she could see he wasn't happy about something. His usually handsome face was pinched into a tight frown and his stance was tense and rigid making his black shirt clench at his muscles beneath- "I will not have her do this. She gets a choice, you may not force her!" He growls at dark, our leader. Dark never showed his face he always had a mask on. Everyone knew that the reason for this was the many scars he had and even though all dreamers are gorgeous and beautifully perfect he still didn't want to show them. "I know this Eden, I'm only asking you to inform her of the circumstances. This job is best suited for her I know that it's dangerous but I have full trust that she will succeed." Dark replies. "I'll succeed in what?" Elise asks as she lay a hand on her father's shoulder in hopes of calming him down. Dark's gaze shifts to her. Even though he has a mask on she can still see his glowing green eyes through the slits of the hard metal. "Elise, I am glad you have joined us," Dark says in that low voice of his. He uses this voice only when approaching someone who is about to lash out. Phantom turns to her and says "Elise please do not agree. This job is too dangerous if you get caught they WILL kill you!" Elise stands there confused and angry at their lack of explanation. Before she can address this Dark speaks, "Elise, we need a spy in the castle. Someone who can slink about and get us information from the inside. You are the best fit for this job. Though I do understand that it is dangerous as your father just pointed out and I will not push you if you choose to decline." After years and years of being told "this is too dangerous for you." and "stay here you are a girl let us handle this." Elise was shocked that it had been Dark offering a job to her when he had always disapproved of her joining in on missions. Dark gave her a day to decide but she had already made her decision "Of course I'll do it." she said, pure joy in her voice. For once, she wouldn't be bottled up in this camp. A laugh erupted out of Dark "And I thought you said she would be against this idea." He says turning to Phantom who glowered back. As she and her father walked back to their tents Phantom told her all the things that could go wrong. Being a ruthless fighter and assassin was the part of Phantom she knew best but this gentle and worrying father was a part he showed only to her.

The robust cheering of the drunken idiotic men was unbearable! They had only done the first round of the contest, yet these idiots were acting like they'd won it already! Elise sat in the corner of the large room set for the contestants. she shifted her eyes from the men to the gray tattered walls of the room. one of the men noticed her and squinted at her. she slouched and shadowed her face with her hood. She didn't want to have to deal with a drunk jerk right now. The man dismissed her and tried for a servant girl who was carrying a tray of wine. Elise growled and the man yelped and backed away from the girl. She motioned for the servant to leave and that petite little girl did exactly that. The disgusting jerk made to lash out at Elise but a man dressed in the garments of a guard walked in and announced the second part of the contest. As they all walked out Elise ket chanting in her head: This is for a spot on the royal guard don't fail! Do Not Fail! they walked down into the arena where they were each handed a weapon and were to spar with the opponent, they were given. Elise looked up to find that the burly guy who had been drunk an hour ago was now staring at her with murder in his eyes. Really? They had to give her the ugliest of them all? A loud cheer blew out and she just then realized there was a huge crowd watching them. And on the highest seats of all sat the royal family: Samuien Crimson, his new queen Esedore, and their son Kalis Crimson. The king had on a fake smile that shined with cruelty, His eyes a shade of silver like none other. He had a golden crown atop his black hair and wore black gold and red. The queen's face was somber she did not smile nor frown, I could see why Samuien crimson had chosen her to be his wife. She had a cruel look in her eyes and the most beautiful blond hair. Her green eyes darted around at the people watching and the contestants. And the prince? Well, he was the spitting, disgusting image of his father. He had his hair neatly styled and he sat and acted exactly like his father. At one point he tripped a servant girl walking by and smiled a cruel smile. Elise hated him even more than the stupid king. She returned her focus to her opponent. Her hood was still on and she intended to keep it on. She would remain a mystery till she won. Then she would be forced to show that she was a girl. A half-human girl. but until then it would be best to remain the way she was. Her opponent eyed her darkly and when the bells rang signaling the start he lept at her with full force. She jumped back, he went for another blow. This time she jumped to the side and kicked him in the back. As she and her opponent fought, the other fighters around them began to end their matches either with one winning or both collapsing. soon it was only her fight that remained and she was only defending so far. She smirked though no one could see it and finally made an attacking more with one swift blow knocking her opponent to the ground. The crowd roared a cheer. She jumped back allowing her opponent to get back to his feet. He growled a curse and lept at her. She shimmied out of his way and the crowd reacted with a laugh. She was only playing with him. But it seemed playtime was over. She jumped and hit her wooded sword straight on his head and he fell to the floor unconscious. The crowd gasped. She smiled but she felt a cool breeze in her hair. During her jump, her hood had fallen. Her eyes went wide. The crowd was silent, then...a clap...and another. She looked up to see that it was the king himself clapping. Soon the entire crowd was clapping too. The queen smiled down at her and the king turned to the prince and said something. A frown formed on the prince's face, that frown turned to a glare pointed straight at her. The prince stood up slowly and disappeared. 

Elise was in the room again. The other men stayed away from her and all huddled in a corner. A stone-faced guard walked into the room. His clothes indicated he was an elite guard from the king's personal protectors. He scanned the room till his eyes met hers. He motioned to the other guard with him in her direction. Soon she was being led to where? she had no idea. The castle hallway was beautifully filled with decorations and paintings of all sorts. The two guards lead her through many doors till they stopped in a large room. The walls were high and the ground was not normal. It had dirt everywhere and she realized just what this room was: A training room. On the far side of the room, there are stands set up for an audience to watch. There are many dreamers seated and chatting with each other. Then a trumpet blew, king crimson, Queen Esedore, and Prince Kalis walk in. The king and queen sat in their spots but the prince remained where he was. One of his guards handed him a steel sword. The guard to her right gives Elise a sword of her own. Elise looks back to the prince, confused as heck. The king rises from his spot raises his hand to silence the chatter of the audience though smaller by size than the one of the arena earlier. The prince had a snarl on his lips, though this did nothing to distort his gorgeous and cruel face. Then the king's adviser voice rang over everyone. "Your attention please his majesty would like a word." a tall slinky man with blonde hair and black eyes says over the crowd. He is dressed in fine clothing and seems very close to the king so Elise assumed he was the king's adviser. The king pasted on a slimy smile. "Today is the day my son will be named heir of the throne." he waited to see everyone's reactions. The dreamers who now Elise assumed were the courtiers all gasped. The king's eyes light up with amusement. "But of course as all royalty must prove themselves so does the heir." He turns to the prince and smiles another slimy smile. "So to prove himself he must be able to out best this...girl and beat her in a sparring match."

The author's comments:

oooooooooooo! Kendrick is Lilith lakeAsh's cousin. So he is basically a spy in the court of Sam crimson.

here is a list of all the lakeAsh kids: (the names in the middle are the names of their LakeAsh parent...that's how you tell which lakeAshes are siblings.)

Conel Elinor LakeAsh- 20 (Conel and Conrad are twins)

Conrad Elinor LakeAsh- 20

Coral Stalin LakeAsh- 17

Rolf Stalin LakeAsh- 19

Lorcan Stalin LakeAsh- 20

Lilly Zenlund LakeAsh- 19

Andrew Zenlund LakeAsh- 18

Kendrick Torin LakeAsh- 19

Lilith Celen LakeAsh- 16

Cinder Celen LakeAsh- 13


I will write a longer version of this list with descriptions of each character at the end.


Really? What kind of father is he? He just told his son to fight a girl and if he doesn't beat her he wouldn't be considered heir! Like who the heck does that? At that moment I felt so grateful I had such a king father. Kalis doesn't look surprised. He looks...well he looks nothing. His face is plain stone and his every emotion is cut off. Someone blows a horn signaling a start and Kalis looks at me coldly and cruelly. Then he lounges at me. I move to the side but he tracks my movements. he moves with me and strikes I let him hit me. Blood flows from my right arm and down my black sleeve. I strike back and miss. I don't want to win. If I win I would be ruining Dark's plan. He growls and launches at me again. I jump up he recoils his arm and slices my leg. I fall with a cry and clutch my leg. He steps forward to take his third strike and win. Just as cruel and heartless as his father, 

I roll over and strike his right arm. he staggers back looking in shock at the blood now clotting where I struck him. He turns back to me a snarl forming on his lips. I jump to my feet and dodge the next blow, which is meant to be fatal. I sidestep and pretend to limp, allowing him a chance to strike my right arm again. He does just that, scoring his winning point. The crowd around us, which I had forgotten about, comes alive. They cheer and shout with glee. Kalis drops his sword and takes a step back allowing me to my feet. He glares at me and gives me a slight shake of his head. He knows...

He knows I let him win. maybe he isn't as dumb as I thought. Or maybe, I just suck at pretending. But before I can turn to see if anyone else noticed I fall to the ground...everything turns black. 



I smirk as the girl wounds the prince. Stupid Kalis. Can't he see she's taking it easy on him? heh. I turn to glance at the king, He seems oblivious to this. Typical Samuen. Not even paying attention to his own son...Not paying attention to his own court

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