Lucifer Cephalus | Teen Ink

Lucifer Cephalus

March 27, 2023
By Anonymous

The author's comments:

I didn't chapter it this is the whole story

One rainy morning just before sunrise there was a zombie. His name was Lucifer Cephalus. Lucifer saw a girl one day but he had to hide from her. The girl’s name was Izzy. Lucifer wanted to be friends with Izzy but he couldn’t. He knew a few people but not many people liked him. He knew Izzy’s best friend and her name is Kirah. Kirah and Lucifer were good friends but he started to feel bad because Kirah was getting bullied for being friends with him. So one day Lucifer stopped being friends with Kirah. He is now friends with Connor, Sofia, Lindsey, Jalynn, Mia, and Kylee. He wishes that he had many more friends but it was too dangerous for them.

He tried so hard to get more friends. No one wanted to be his friend though. Then one spooky night something strange happened. One day everyone wanted to be his friend. That is when he knew something was wrong he wanted to find out what was going on. He started looking around for what could be causing this. He then went to go talk to Connor but he didn't want to talk to Lucifer. None of his real friends wanted anything to do with him other than one of them, Sofia. Sofia was the only one that would talk to him. 

He thought that was very odd. So he looked into it and realized that she just wasn’t phased by whatever happened. Then he asked her to help him figure out what was wrong. She said “ Sure I can help you.”. They then started looking for clues. They both knew it would be very dangerous but they were still going to do it. They really wanted to find out what had happened. He found a few clues, one of them being that out of all the people that never talked to him before, a few still didn’t talk to him. Out of all of them, one was very suspicious. His name is Austin.

It was already dark when they found out where Austin was. They went and followed him. Then they found a way into the building that he went into. They found out a little way into the building that it was a lab but not any old lab it was the Chempath Lab. This lab had thousands of tests in it. Austin was more than likely the person who made whatever happened happen. Lucifer and Sofia started looking at the test numbers one was called Test 2085 Zombie Lucifer. They thought maybe that was what caused it. Then they tried to use it to make the stuff go away. It didn’t work, it made it worse. They really thought it would reverse it but when they tried it nothing happened for a while. Then Sofia got “phased” by it, Lucifer thought of it as a curse. Austin saw them messing with the Test 2085 Zombie Lucifer so he hid the test that they needed to reverse the “curse”. Lucifer then started looking for the right test that he needed. He couldn’t find it until a few hours later. He saw Austin messing with a test so he watched him. After a while he found out which test he needed. All he needed to do now was find a way to get the test and reverse the “curse”. Lucifer found a way to get the test. He needed to distract him. He threw something and Austin then went to see what the noise was. Lucifer took parts of the test he thought he might need. It was hard to tell what he needed to reverse the “curse”. After that he snuck out of the lab and went back to his house. Once he went back to his house he started working on reversing the “curse”. He was working and working but then he had to go downstairs. 

He had to go and eat but when he went downstairs there wasn't anything for him to eat. So he thought about going to get some food but didn't want to risk leaving the test and stuff behind. So he decided to stay and continue his work. Then he started thinking about the lab and all those tests he couldn't just let Austin get away with that. So he went back downstairs and called and reported it to the police. They said “I am sorry. Sir, we can't really do anything about that. There is nothing we can do without evidence.”. He got a little upset by that. Then he still tried over and over again to report it until they did something about it. They found the lab and started investigating and found so many tests that could have been dangerous if someone else found them. Austin then ran away and tried to find Lucifer. “When I find him I am going to kill him!” Austin said very aggressively. Lucifer was still working on the cure for the “curse” he almost had it ready for him to test it and see if it worked. Then he heard a loud knock on his door. He hid the test and then went to open the door. It turned out it was Austin. 

Austin had a gun and told Lucifer to tell him where the test was at. He told him, “ I am not telling you anything.” Austin got very mad and upset. He then shot a warning shot and said “ I am not joking, where is it!” Lucifer then processed to just sit there being quiet. He looked at the door and saw his neighbor and the neighbor saw him and thought something was wrong. So he called the police and then went to investigate. The “police” were on the way and the neighbor was investigating. Austin was just yelling at Lucier the whole time but then the “police'' showed up. They arrived at nightfall. It wasn't really the police, it was Austin's employees. They went inside and helped Austin with his investigation. After the neighbor found out it wasn't the police he went to the Police Station. He told them everything that was happening and the police went to see if he was telling the truth. 

By the time they got there Austin had already left. They found Lucifer hidden in a closet and was unconscious. They took him to the hospital he only had a few cuts and bruises. The only thing he was worried about was if Austin got the tests. He got released a few days later and went home to make sure he still had the tests. When he got home his house was destroyed, glass was broken, stuff was flipped, there were holes in walls, and it looked like a bomb site. Lucifer went back to his room to look for the tests. “I was lucky he didn’t find the tests.” Austin and a few other people that worked with him did find all the research that Lucifer had. So Lucifer thought he should go back to the Chempath Lab. He thought maybe he could find his research there. When he went there he looked for a while, but couldn’t find anything. Then he heard Austin saying “Angelina you are to make sure he doesn’t get in here. Abby you are to hide the research or burn it or something, just make sure he won’t find it!”.

“I wonder who they are but which one is Abby?” Lucifer whispered. Lucifer picked to follow the person with the papers in their hand. However he realized that it was the wrong person so he found out where the other person went. Then he followed her then she had to go run and do something. She then sat the papers down and said “It will be fine if I leave it here for a minute. Right?”. Lucifer quickly grabbed the papers and was about to leave, but then he realized that Angelina was at the door. He started to look around for another way out. He saw another door but had to be very careful so he didn’t get caught. He hid behind the desk as he headed toward the door but then he heard Sofia. She was running towards him as well.

Sofia had said “There you are Lucifer I have been looking all over for you!”. Lucifer was a little confused on why she was still talking to him. They both soon realized that door was a door to another room. She had found a few more people who weren't phased by the “curse”. The people were Haven, Mia, and Sophie. They all were unphased and were willing to help Lucifer. Then they all started looking for an exit. After a while Haven found a way out. They all snuck out through the exit. Then they all went back to Lucifer's house. All of them were doing research. Sophie was the one that got the cure. They all started making the cure and were trying to figure out how to get it to work. After a while Lucifer wanted to try something but his friends didn’t want him too. They thought it was not worth the risk. 

They started looking for different ways to cure it. They all tried, tried, and tried but nothing was working. Then Mia and Kylee had an idea to go back to the lab and look at Austin's research to see if they can find out how to reverse it. Lucifer agreed but no one wanted to risk Lucifer getting hurt. So they told someone to stay behind and stay with Lucifer. Haven said “I’ll stay behind with Lucifer.”. Then Lucifer said “I will be fine, I don't need a babysitter.”. They were already all gone but not Haven. Haven then asked “Do you want to try some different way to cure the “curse”. Lucifer then said “Yeah, sure why not.” in a sad tone with a sigh. Lucifer and Haven then tried more ways to cure the “curse”. Nothing they tried would work. They both were exhausted by the time the other’s got back. When the others got back Lucifer and Haven were out cold. So they were glad because they had only got bad news. They also decided to straighten up Lucifer’s house a little bit. 

By the time they woke up it was morning. Lucifer had told everyone that they tried everything, nothing was working. Sophie was going to tell them the bad news but then Mia had said “We didn’t find anything that would be helpful.”. Sophie thought to herself why did she not tell them the truth. Haven said “Well, I think we should try the idea Lucifer had. We have tried everything that we could think of other than that idea.”. The room went quiet, everyone was too stunned to speak. Then Sofia broke the silence by saying “No, we are not doing that, what if it doesn’t work! What if he doesn’t come back. I don’t want him to try it.”. Haven and Sofia argued back and forth for a while. Until Lucifer said “I agree with Sofia. There must be another way to- “ ''Yeah, well I agree with Haven you two said you have tried everything.” Kylee said. Sofia then said “Mia, who do you agree with? Haven or Me?” “Well, I agree with Sofia and Lucifer.” Mia said. Mia then asked Sophie “What about you Sophie? Who do you agree with?” Sophie replied with “Me, oh, I agree with Sofia too.”.

It was then settled that they would try to find another way. No matter what it takes they would try to find another way. They tried for weeks to get something to work. They were trying everything. Lucifer was starting to give up on the thought of being able to reverse it. Mia told him “It will be okay, we can work harder, we will get it done.”. He then said “Why don’t we just try the idea Haven and I had. We don’t really have many more things we can really change. Let's just try it.” “We are not going to risk it, okay!” Sofia and Mia then said. Lucifer waited till dark to do something he was soon going to regret. 

He grabbed one of the tests and snuck out. Austin was waiting for Lucifer to come outside. When Lucifer got outside he then saw Austin, Angelina, and Abby. Abby said “Is this him boss?” as she grabbed hold of him. Austin then said “Yes, yes that is him. Don’t let him go. Angelina help her hold him.”. Angelina then went over to Lucifer and Abby and grabbed Lucifer’s arm. Austin walked up to Lucifer then asked him “Where are you off to Lucifer.” Lucifer then said “I don’t know where I am off so I was just going for a walk.”. “Don’t lie to me Lucifer, where you were going!” Austin said. “I swear to you, I was just going for a walk” Lucifer then said “Going for a walk at midnight, yeah very likely.” Austin said back. After a while Austin left him alone but watched him from kinda far. 

After a while Austin realized Lucifer was telling him the “truth”. Austin then walked away but got Angelina to watch him for a while. Then Lucifer started to head back to his house. He had got a call from Sofia. Sofia had said “Lucifer, come back we need your help.” “Hurry Lucifer, please!” Mia then said. Then the call ended, Lucifer was worried. When he got there he walked in carefully and watched out for anything out of place. He then heard the others talking. He walked to them swiftly and quietly. He made sure he didn’t make a sound. He got to his room and they were talking about what they found at the lab a few weeks ago. He heard Mia say “We found out that there is only one way to stop it. Lucifer has to die.”. Kylee interrupted her and said “He will die but hopefully come back. He has to do it at a graveyard.” Sofia then told them “He has to drink it and lay on the grave of a family member.”. 

Lucifer then gasped. He then walked into his room and said “What did you need my help with?” They all asked him how much he heard. He told them “Most of it, I heard what you all found at the lab.”. They all looked a little worried. Then they heard a noise coming from outside. They went to see what it was. Turns out it was Austin with more people, a few people being Angelina, Abby and Zoey. Then Lucifer saw one of his neighbors. His name was Omar. Omar then went to go talk to Zoey and see what was going on. He was going to help Austin’s side. Lucifer and his friends then ran back inside. Lucifer locked all the doors and widows. They all went back to Lucifer’s room. Then they hid the research and the tests. 

They then heard police sirens. They were all wondering who called the cops. Turns out Omar had called the cops. Omar started to help them figure stuff out. Stuff like where his family’s grave was at. No one knew Omar was helping Austin too. He was telling Austin everything he was helping Lucifer with. It went on for a few weeks. Omar started to realize what Austin was doing was really wrong so he stopped helping him. One week later they all left the house and headed to the Catacomb. Catacomb is the graveyard where Lucifer’s dad is buried. Austin knew where they were going and when they would leave. So Austin got Zoey to go with him to get rid of Omar for betraying them. They also wanted to get Lucifer, but they wanted to get Omar first so he didn’t tell them anything. 

They snuck around near where they would be soon. When they got there they told Lucifer it was either him or Omar. Omar instantly said “Me! Not Lucifer do whatever you are going to do to me.” Austin said “Okay, then step forward.”. Omar took a step forward as he started to shake he told Lucifer and the others “Go on you need to leave or he will do it to us all. Only Lucifer and reverse the “curse”.”. Then all then ran off, but Lucifer heard Austin say  “Shot him, do it Zoey.”. Then they all heard a gunshot. Lucifer was frozen in shock. He felt he was to blame he thought it should have been him, not Omar. Sofia and Haven were trying to get Lucifer to keep running, but he was too shocked to do anything. So then Sofia and Haven started to carry him. They all tried after about an hour and a half. Sofia told everyone “We all need a break. Let’s find somewhere to rest.”. Everyone agrees all but Lucifer by this time Lucifer had already passed out. He was getting a little too heavy for Haven and Sofia to carry. 

They found a spot to rest for a while. They were just going to rest for like an hour or two but they all fell asleep. When they woke up they saw Lucifer was already up. Sofia had woken up first and she had gone to go talk to him. She touched his shoulder and then he said “You’re awake, try to wake the others. We need to get a move on it.”. Sofia then said “Okay I will, just tell me, are you okay.” “Yeah, Yeah I am fine.” Lucifer said. Sofia then went to wake everyone up. When everyone was awake they started to head to the Catacomb. They were still pretty far from Catacomb. They walked until nightfall and it also started to get cold. They were almost there but everyone wanted to rest everyone but Lucifer. Lucifer told them “Come on we are so close!”. Haven said “Lucifer we are exhausted, we can go later let's take a break please.”. Lucifer then said “Okay, sure, fine whatever.”. Then they found a place to rest at. Lucifer said he was going for a walk. He grabbed the stuff he needed to reverse the “curse” and ran to the Catacomb. Sofia saw that he did that and ran after him. Then everyone else ran after them soon after. They all were running to the Catacomb.

They all saw Lucifer on the grave he needed to be on. He was on Marcus Cephalus’s grave. Which is his dad’s grave. He was ready to start the process. He wanted to at least try to see if it worked. Even if it didn’t work he still wanted to try. When everyone was ready for him to try, they then tried to remember what Omar had told them that they needed to do. Lucifer remembered he had to drink the test and then lay down on the grave. He then told them “Let me see the test. I remember what I needed to do.”. Sophie then gave him the test. He then drank it, they all looked a little shocked. After he drank it he laid down on his dad’s grave. Then everyone else just sat there. They waited and waited but nothing happened. Then Mia remembered that he had to die while on the grave. Mia then said "He has to die for it to work.". Then they all looked at each other. They all asked one another "Who is going to kill him?" Lucifer had said to them "Someone just kill me so we can see if it even works." "We don't want to kill you because what if it doesn't work. That would mean we just killed you for nothing!" Kylee then said. 

They then heard something behind them. They turned around to see what it was. It was Austin he was alone this time though. He also had a gun in his hand. The gun was pointed at Lucifer, Lucifer didn’t move though he just laid there. Austin then shot Lucifer, Lucifer was bleeding a lot. Then after a few minutes he died. Austin didn’t know he had to die for the cure to work he helped them out without even knowing. A few minutes after the cure started to work the “curse” started to get reversed. When it was completely done Lucifer started to breathe again and his wound started to heal. He then started to wake up and saw that Austin was crying. Austin told them “I don’t remember any of the stuff that I did. I am so sorry I didn’t mean for any of this to happen!” Lucifer and his friends accepted his apology. 

After a few months Austin told Lucifer it was meant for him to fall in love with him. Austin only wanted Lucifer to love him back. Lucifer was a little shocked by this but he then told Austin he loved him too. Eventually they started dating. Everyone that was “cured” and stopped being mean to Lucifer. They all then told him they were really sorry. Then his amazing black friend Jalynn made sure nothing like that would ever happen again. Jalynn told the police about the Lab and this time they did something about the report. Everyone was happy that it was finally over. Everyone still hung out together. After a few years they would make jokes about the “curse”. It was a crazy experience that they would never forget. Lucifer then bought some land near Catacomb. He would go there everyday and talk to his dad’s grave. He sat there for hours talking and talking to the grave. He would always remember what happened at that graveyard. He was still traumatized by it years later but doesn’t regret any of it.

To be honest they all kind of missed the thrill of it all. They wanted to feel some more thrill but didn’t want anything bad to happen again. They wished everything would stay the same just with a little excitement. They would make jokes about them wanting something like it to happen again. None of them really meant it, unless…

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