Who to trust | Teen Ink

Who to trust

June 6, 2024
By B_nomi12, Watertown, Connecticut
B_nomi12, Watertown, Connecticut
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Katherine's peaceful night is shattered by a chilling breeze and the terrifying grasp of a masked intruder, who threatens her family if she dares to scream. Helpless, she is forced out of her home and into an SUV, where her terror escalates until she loses consciousness. Awakening in a dimly lit basement, Katherine is horrified to find herself in the clutches of Antoine, a trusted family friend who has known her since childhood. Katherine finds herself chained and trapped as Antoine reveals his twisted obsession by showing her photos of her life and a meticulously prepared room. Despite her attempts to resist, Katherine endures daily visits and manipulations from Antoine, who presents himself as her protector. Her world collapses further when she realizes the extent of his surveillance and control. Meanwhile, Antoine maintains a facade of support for Katherine's grieving family, even as he plots his next sinister move, hinting at another victim to come.


Who to trust

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