A letter to My Middle-School Self | Teen Ink

A letter to My Middle-School Self

September 24, 2018
By Ryleenikole22 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Ryleenikole22 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.- Aristotle

The writing titled “ A Letter to my Middle School Self ,“ written by Patience K, talks about how difficult middle school is and even though you might want to give up, push through and stand up for yourself. Her writing left me feeling sorry and angry that no one stepped up or defended her, and just let it happen. I felt this way when the author wrote, “ He’s going to call you every name in the book: dumb, stupid, waste of space…” I really hated the last one, no one should be called a waste of space. I liked the end of the short story because the author knew the pain and said “ I’m writing this letter to tell you to punch him in the face” and “Maybe if you did you wouldn’t feel the regret, years later… you should’ve done it. He deserved it.” Every bully deserves it, whether it’s something little every day or not, they still deserve it.

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