The American Dream | Teen Ink

The American Dream MAG

By Anonymous

So many years havepassed since our birth
Through the years we've endured many deaths
So manytimes we had to be reborn
Our churches, our homes, our schools
But throughall the downfalls and ruins,
the bloodshed, and the seas of tearscried
Never once did our spirit crumble
the dream to be free, to make ourown path
The vision of joy and equality among all
Stayed strong anduntouched through the years

The hope to be part of somethingdifferent,
A nation strong in both courage and kindness,
A people unafraidto fight for what's theirs
A system to protect us, and to provide us withopportunities,
for we are free to fly our own course.
As individuals we areindependent and driven,
but as needed we coalesce to defend ourdreams.

We fight side by side with our fellow Americans
for what wealso deserve from life.
Fighting for oneself, your fellow soldier
and bothof your grandchildren's futures.
As a nation we have come together time aftertime
to fight and protect so later as a people
we can all have the freedomto follow our own path.
As citizens of America we gave birth to theabove
the American Dream

The dream to be free and speak one'smind,
and also the dream to listen and be heard.
The dream to be protectedand safe,
but not controlled by the heads of the system.
To chose one'sbeliefs without fear of prosecution.
'tis all this and more which is at thecore of our hearts,
and what defines the American Dream.

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This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!