My Ending to | Teen Ink

My Ending to

April 7, 2023
By Lucas_Stone BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
Lucas_Stone BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As he pieced everything together the; guestbook, animals, and her peculiar deminer. A blanket of silence fell upon the room; he concluded that she was completely off her rocker. A feeling of dread conjured deep down in his gut. He set down his tea cup and said, “I must go now, I have previous obligations that must be fulfilled.” As he was standing up a title wave of confusion and nausea washed over him. She said, “You mustn't leave”. Ignoring her plea he continued up the stairs mustering every ounce of available strength. While gathering his belongings he began to wax and wane. As he attempted to bring his belongings down the stairs he failed. This prompted him to just run. He ran down the stairs noticing the old woman just sitting there with tea in hand. He tumbled out the front door, ending up in the ground unable to get up, when he noticed the woman had been standing in the doorway. She said, “You will never leave, you’ll be here forever, just like the others”. He faded out of consciousness at that moment. Never to be seen again.

The author's comments:

This is the ending that I came up with after reading "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl

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