Which franchise is better Call of duty or GTA | Teen Ink

Which franchise is better Call of duty or GTA

May 30, 2024
By JJMOLE_2 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
JJMOLE_2 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To enter this argument we need to know that we are talking about two of the best franchises  ever in the history of video games. The two main arguments that I will talk about to determine which one is better are the graphics and time release of their games . Many people's debates would depend on which type of person (what you like to play) but me personally I say that your decision does not depend on what you like to play but what games you enjoy more. I personally would say that the Call of Duty franchise is better than GTA.

The first topic that I want to talk about is the graphics; both of these games have had different types of graphs depending on which time they were released but overall if we compare two of their last games of both of this franchise are GTA V and Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 3 before we start disgusting we need to know that this games were released in different times GTA V was release in 2013 and Call of duty:Modern Warfare 3 was release in 2023. There is a big chance that they are going to have a big difference in their graphics because we need to understand that technology advances through the time and these games have a difference of 10 years. Already knowing this I will personally say that Call of duty has much better graphics than GTA V because when I have played this game in history mode I feel like I’m in a movie.

The second topic that I will talk about is how long both of these franchises take to release games. Once again  let's talk about the last game that both of these franchises have made, GTA V and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The GTA V a few years ago was releasing his games in a time of between 3 to 4 years but the last one they released was 11 years ago from now. The Call of Duty franchise normally releases its games every year the last one was released on November 10, 2023 this means that it has not even been a year since it was released. 

In conclusion Call of duty is a better franchise than GTA because of its amazing graphics that evolve from the past few years and the difference both of these companies have between their release date of their games that is why I personally think Call of duty is better.

The author's comments:

I am a student in Manchester high school in CT and I made this article because I wanted to share my opinion to other people. 

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