Why is Green Your Favorite Color? | Teen Ink

Why is Green Your Favorite Color?

June 7, 2024
By 5riggs BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5riggs BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When someone asks me my favorite color my mind automatically goes to green. I never really loved green but my mom always stated that, “Green looks lovely on you with your red hair and fair skin.” 

So it became my entire wardrobe. Over time, the color grew on me, but not because of a fashion choice but because it reminds me of something else entirely. It reminds me of happiness.

 In summer, the leaves and grass evolve from dingy browns to beautiful, bright  greens. This means that the long torment of school is over and summer is finally here.  No more late homework nights, no more nagging teachers, and no more stress. I finally have the freedom to do whatever I want when I see the sky filled with a mix of green and blues and feel the fresh cut grass beneath my feet. I could go hiking, read a book, travel, spend all day on a boat, or even spend all day in my bed. The possibilities are endless when the world around me is covered in green. 

The thought of fresh air and the sun beating down on me and not having a care in the world are what keeps me going through the dim winter months. Waking up and seeing the bright green leaves gives me an overwhelming sense of joy in knowing that the big green world is waiting for me. Opening up my windows, I smell the freshness of summer, I see the green leaves dancing through the wind, I feel free.

 When I think of the smell of freshness I think green. The outside world is fresh and renewed when everything is green so I’ve always associated the two words together. Summer is like a new fresh start for the world. So it’s a new fresh start for me too.

The author's comments:

its for my final exam 

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