Why is green your favorite color? | Teen Ink

Why is green your favorite color?

June 7, 2024
By 5reese BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5reese BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Green is my favorite color. Not just any shade of green, but forest green. Imagine you were strolling through the woods at dusk with the wispy wind flowing through your hair, you look up at the trees and see the darkened shade of green. That is my favorite color. Forest green is a soothing color, so for someone like me who has anxiety, it is very calming and relaxing. I like green over the other colors because the other colors are either too bright and harsh or too bland and boring. I like light green too. It feels like a cool spring day when you are sitting outside with a drink in your hand while you enjoy the breeze. I prefer more of the neutral and natural shades of green because they  provide me with comfort and a sense of security.

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