There is no Escaping | Teen Ink

There is no Escaping

January 10, 2011
By Quinn15 BRONZE, Park City, Utah
Quinn15 BRONZE, Park City, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What would you attempt if you knew you wouldn't fail? ~ Anonymous

Where is violence? He is dark, lurking in the stygian shadows of every-day-life, waiting to jump out and scare us. He wears a mask of happiness while he is hurting people in silence. We seem sheltered from him. Are we? No, we are not. He is in movies, schools, homes, and video games. Violence is everywhere.

Maybe if we do not think about violence we will not get hurt. That may be true in which way we think about it. We may not get hurt physically hurt but what about mentally? When the Twin Towers plummeted to the ground on September first two thousand and one, a lot of people were killed or seriously injured. But, I do not know one person in America who was not hurt mentally by this event. Not to mention the families that lost their loved ones. We cannot escape violence.

We are taught to use anything but violence to solve our problems. What about the war that is going on at the moment? We are not using words to solve a problem but nevertheless schools still teach us this. And, it is not just now that we have used violence, our country was founded on violence. The American Revolution, World War I, World War II, and The Vietnam War were all wars that America fought in. They were all very bloody wars and we gained lots of freedom from them. Maybe in some cases we as humans do need to use violence to solve problems. It is very unfortunate but we do it anyway. We cannot live a day without violence.

No one stays away from violence. The television is a portal for violence. We may not recognize it but whenever we press that power button there is always something on that has to do with it. In action movies we see people shooting other people like they do it every day. No one seems or cares to show the after affects of being a murderer. We cannot hide from violence.

Violence is mean. He pops out when we are least expecting him. He steals your innocence. He tortures you in the most perverse ways. He is looking for a friend to understand him and his problems but until then he will manipulate everyone in his path. Violence is everywhere.

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