Middle School | Teen Ink

Middle School

October 31, 2012
By LeeAnnaMarie SILVER, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
LeeAnnaMarie SILVER, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little 'extra' - Jimmy Johnson

Middle school is a cruel place sometimes. Between drama and fights, friends and enemies, homework and after-school activities, it just gets tiring. Teachers and parents think we have it so easy, but in reality, we may be in worse situations than they are. Teenagers have sports, after-school activities, homework, some work, chores, and more! Teens honestly might have more stress than some adults do, but no one realizes it. Some kids don't realize it because they're too worried about getting things done on time, doing everything correctly, making everyone happy. It's too much sometimes. A little advice: You don't always have to make sure everyone else is happy. Sometimes that just doesn't work. You can't make everyone happy at one time. Someone will always be there to shoot you down. Just make sure, no matter what your doing, you make yourself content with what you've done. Create an escape somehow. Whether it's going into your room and shutting your door to just be by yourself or listening to your iPod through your headphones and ignoring the world. Either way, find a way to relieve stress and have a place in which you can call your "Happy Place." This is more of an advice article, but I hope that if you are under some/a lot of stress, I helped you realize that you don't always have to make everyone happy. Just make sure your happy. Your only a teenager for a few years. Don't waste them stressing all the time over little things that don't really matter. When your at school, try to avoid the drama. Drama can get you in trouble and can worry you. Worrying just adds to stress and no one needs that. Believe in yourself, never give in.

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