My Future | Teen Ink

My Future

May 16, 2013
By bethany.kane SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
bethany.kane SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hope that I will have a bright future someday. My whole life is ahead of me, but I do not want it to go by too fast. I miss those childhood carefree memories where the worst thing that could happen is you did not get the invite to a play-date. In the blink of an eye it is like 5 years fly by. I feel as if yesterday I was in 6th grade and it is not fair.
I think that if I had the choice to watch a video of my whole life, I would not. Life is about taking chances and I want it to go the way it should; even if that means different struggles or hardships. Everyone finds different ways of handling these situations.
Someday I hope to own my own dance studio if possible. I know it will not be an easy road through college, but I am willing to do anything to obtain this goal. My dance teachers have helped me through so much and have been such an inspiration. I hope to inspire many younger girls to become amazing people and maybe they will pass it on to their students. Dance is an escape for me, like going to the beach is an escape for some others.
In the next chapter of my life I hope to have a loving husband and children in a dream house. I wish to give inspiration to my children to be the best people they can be. I know that even if life reaches the deepest crater, my loved ones will be that ray of light that will guide me back to my true self. I cannot wait to see where life takes me and how many wonderful people I will meet that will have a strong impact on my life.
The future is one of life’s mysteries. The funny thing about life is, if it is not going the way that you planned, you can change it in an instant if you have the desire and motivation. Anything can happen and I hope that I will have a bright and successful future. If I could have the power to impact just one person’s life, that would be the best thing that could happen to me.

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