Changed Forever | Teen Ink

Changed Forever

June 2, 2013
By Anonymous

Changed Forever

Growing up with three brothers has taught me a lot. They’ve taught me some small things and some big ones. Any way you look at it they’ve changed me and I’ve changed them. My oldest two brothers have taught me so much. Will is four years older then me. Hans is only two years older. My brothers have taught me how to handle things like boys do, either beat someone up or just let it go. I was never one to beat other kids up that’s for sure. They taught me more that that though. They taught me to not cry like a little baby and that boys were “dumb.” I think they just said that so I wouldn’t date any of their friends. Many life lessons came from them and they weren’t all silly. Will and Hans taught me something without even trying. They taught me that it’s okay to leave your hometown. It’s okay to move past the place you’ve grown up in.

Will was the first to graduate and he decided to go to Winona State University, it’s a beautiful campus. Old churches and buildings make up the dorms and classrooms. This school however is only a thirty minute drive from our house. Will always talked about going to school far away but when it came down to it, he didn’t. Maybe he was too scarred to break the norm. Not very many Houston High School graduates go to college far away. Will’s thoughts of leaving this area soon changed. After his first year of school he was done with Minnesota but where to next? Ohio? Michigan? Florida? California? Nope it was none of them. It was Colorado. It took him another year to figure this out. He now lives in Colorado and loves it. He regrets staying around here so long. He now says to me, “There are so many places to go, why just stay in one.”
Hans knew he needed to leave Minnesota. Get out of this area. He was a good athlete in high school and now is continuing his sports career in Indiana! He plays football and is in winter and spring track. He says going to school far away is one of the best decisions he’s ever made. He’s a good kid. When he talks about college he just glows. His smile lights up the room. The only thing he wishes is he would have picked somewhere warm to go to school. Hans and I have had many heart to heart conversations about this and he is always telling me to move past Houston and go somewhere great. He is so much like our older brother, Will and both of them have rubbed off on me.

My brothers have shown me so much. I am changed forever because of them. I don’t want to go to school anywhere close. I am currently looking at schools in California. I can already feel the sand in between my toes and the sunshine beating down on me. It gives me goose bumps to think I won’t be in Minnesota the rest of my life. It’s a nice place but it’s not the only place. My favorite quote is, “she couldn't help thinking that there was a little more to life somewhere else; after all it was a great big world with lots of places to run.” This quote explains everything I feel. There is so much world to see out there. I recommend that while you’re young; go, move, run! If you don’t like it, you can always come back. Just one day I hope to finally say, “I made it.” I’m doing everything in my power to make my dreams come true. With the help and encouragement from my brothers I know I can get there.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by my brothers who have taught me so much!

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