CPU Cooling: My Personal Solution | Teen Ink

CPU Cooling: My Personal Solution

June 6, 2013
By TylerZamora BRONZE, Columbia, Maryland
TylerZamora BRONZE, Columbia, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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&quot;I love lamp&quot;<br /> -Brick (Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy)

Hi, I am a sophomore at my high school and I am enrolled in the Independent Research program offered at my school. I have been studying the topic of CPU cooling over the course of the academic year. What is a CPU? CPU stands for Central Processing Unit, and basically it acts as the brains of a computer. It carries out the basic functions and operations that you do on your computer. As the CPU works, it produces large amounts of heat which, if not properly dissipated, will make the chip so hot that it could literally melt through the motherboard of your computer. I chose the topic of CPU cooling because I know from personal experiences that it can be difficult to find a decent CPU cooler on the market today for a low price. I conducted a research question and thesis statement, gathered numerous amounts of information, and developed a research paper in order to find the solution to my research question: How can CPU cooling methods be more low cost, effective, energy efficient, and have less noise production than current CPU cooling methods on the market today? I ended up with a very broad, general solution to this question based off of information I gathered, and current CPU cooling products on the market today. My solution consists of a 120mm PWM fan with 8 fan blades all angled at about 20°-25° mounted on an aluminium heatsink that has 4 copper heat pipes. I conducted this solution through statistical and factual information, and not through means of experimentation because I was limited in my hands-on opportunities/capabilities. I hope you now know the importance of CPU cooling in your computer, or any device with a processor, and plan to share your knowledge with others.

The author's comments:
I've always been interested in computer hardware, and for my research topic this year in Independent Research, I was given the opportunity to investigate an important piece of computer hardware.

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