What If? | Teen Ink

What If?

September 18, 2013
By Kailey_is_a_cutie BRONZE, DeKalb, Missouri
Kailey_is_a_cutie BRONZE, DeKalb, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get"

It was that morning when a tall, skinny man in a black ski mask, black sweatpants, and a dark blue t-shirt entered into the St. Charlie’s pre k-8th elementary school. The tall man was loaded with two guns, a pistol and an automatic gun. That day he took twenty-seven innocent lives. All of that could have been stopped if guns were prohibited. School shootings wouldn’t happen and lives would have been saved by banning them.

Guns are deadly weapons that can kill or seriously injure a person. Guns are a leading cause of death in a school shooting. Guns are dangerous and can come to some accidents that cause death. Guns can even go off with just a simple drop, or a pull. Guns can kill people by accident every day and should be prohibited. People don’t realize how dangerous guns are and the caution we should take to everybody’s safety.

What if guns were banned? Would children at school be much safer? Would the parents of those children feel better about letting them go to school? Would you feel safer going in public, or maybe in a bad part of town? In your head you’re probably thinking yes, or maybe even no. Some people say that it’s the person killing victims not the gun. I think that both parts take place in killing someone. It’s the intruder and the gun. If guns were prohibited the the intruder couldn’t come into a school and shoot innocent kids and teachers. More lives would be saved and protected. The kids wouldn’t have to go to school worried about someone coming into their school. They shouldn’t feel unsafe. All kids deserve to know they are safe and out of harm’s way, and not have to take precaution every day.

Yeah, banning guns may make some people angry and may cause a riot. I know that by banning guns it means you can’t hunt, but there are other hunting weapons you can use to kill animals. However, if it’s for children’s safety and for the adults too we should all take that step in trying to save lives. Wouldn’t you rather know that your child or family member is safe rather than keeping guns and putting them in harm’s way? By banning guns it could help make the world a better and safer environment and we could make sure people are safe.

I personally think that if we all try and work together to ban guns we could accomplish many goals. We could make the community a much safer environment for kids to play around in and for adults to live in. Everybody would be safe and not have to worry about something horrific happening to them or anybody they care about. If we all take a stand and work together to prohibit guns we could be saving many lives and we could make this world we live in a much better and secure place to live in.
Have you ever thought what the world would be like without guns? If we didn’t have guns today there wouldn’t be any more school shootings. You wouldn’t hear about any drive by shootings happening. Not that many lives would be in danger or would be taken. No child or
adult would have to go to school or any place in fear. More people would be saved by getting rid of guns rather than keeping them and keep putting everybody’s lives in danger.

The author's comments:
This piece is an opinion about my views on guns and how I feel. I hope that people realize what guns do and how we can act to prohibit them.

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