Perfection | Teen Ink


October 12, 2013
By Hailey Jones BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
Hailey Jones BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Many people seem to believe that idea of perfection is nothing but a idea a figment of your imagination. People perceive perfection as something someones always longing for. Coming so close that you can see, smell, and hear it but you can never grasp it kind of like the familiar image of a dog trying to get the bone at the end of the treadmill. The dog thinks he's so close runner faster and faster thinking he's about to get it but he never can because it's a trick. That is the image our society has built up to what we know today as perfection. Well in my own opinion and thoughts I think this is completely wrong I think perfection is real that you can see it in your own mirror looking at your reflection. I think everyone is perfect in their own little way. You see the reason that everyone is perfect is because you yourself define what perfection is. So why isn't perfection everything and everybody and the answer to that question is criticism. Theres nothing wrong with making a mistake or having something as small as a birthmark that makes you imperfect. That birthmark that small mistake just makes you more perfect then you already are.

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