Hate= Love | Teen Ink

Hate= Love

November 20, 2013
By DestanyPanics SILVER, Denver, Colorado
DestanyPanics SILVER, Denver, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is just a game, everyone loses sooner or later."- Myself

So I am sitting here thinking at 12:07 AM. Every time i scroll through the news feed of my Facebook, all i see is, "Ugh i h8 her/ him so friggen much!" Also, more commonly, "awe babe, i <3 u!" So now i am here thinking, how can people toss those words around without having felt genuine hate or love. True love, a lot of people don't believe in such thing. I disagree; i believe it exists. I think true love is a prized jewel, something each finds only once in their short time left on Earth. I hear the word "hate" a lot throughout high school. I believe hate is something deep down in the ocean that only few people discover. These thoughts have brought me to the conclusion that genuine love and hate are not too unalike. Few people know the true feeling of hate and love, simply because they weren't out looking for it.

The author's comments:
Hate and Love are words tossed around without second thought. Each truly rare and unique in their own twisted ways.

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